Math II or Bio?

<p>I know there's a lot of threads like this but...</p>

<p>I will take either Math II or Bio for the January test. I am aiming for a 700 (750 ideally). </p>

<p>Math: </p>

<p>KNOWLEDGE: I know all the info for this,
PRACTICE TEST:When I took a Barrons practice test, I scored a 580 (eek!). So apparently I am bad at taking this test. Though I hear Barrons tests are harder than the real thing, so I don't really know. Should I take the Collegeboard version and report back?
IMPROVEMENT POTENTIAL: I could, potentially, just take practice tests or something until I hopefully get better--get over making silly errors.
RISK: It's risky mostly because it's a performance-based test, so screwing up little things could completely ruin my score (and I'm prone to that sort of thing).</p>

KNOWLEDGE: I do not know the info for this (currently in Bio now and haven't gone through organismal biology and stuff like that) but I feel like if I do learn this stuff, I should be able to perform fine on the test.
PRACTICE TEST: 620 Collegeboard test
IMPROVEMENT POTENTIAL: By the Jan. test test, I should be halfway prepared, topic-wise, through class. So I could, potentially, get a prep book and study the hell out of it, until hopefully I learn all the information that I'd normally learn second semester.
RISK: It's a risk because I don't know if I'll be able to learn all the info. in time. </p>

<p>Which should I take?</p>

<p>Math 2. Barron’s is too ridiculously hard. The real exam is cake; take the CB exam and post what you get. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t touch Bio with a 10 foot pole in your position.</p>

<p>I got annoyed with how hard the Barron’s practice test was and quit half way through. Then I got an 800 on the real thing. Don’t worry about the 580.</p>

<p>Ok, so I redid the tests using the Collegeboard Book.</p>

<p>Math II: 610
Biology: 690</p>


<p>^ Did you take the other MATH II from the BB (one specifically for Math)?</p>

<p>What is BB?</p>

<p>The Blue Book for Subject II / sat ii</p>

<p>yeah, i used the blue book</p>

<p>^ There are two tests in the Blue Book. You only posted 1 of your scores.</p>

<p>…my book only has one Math SAT II. Before it is Math I and after is Biology.</p>

<p>You didn’t get the Math SAT II BB you got the SAT II for Subject Tests.</p>

<p>sounds like you should take bio.
when i first prepared for math 2, i got like high 500s, low 600s for barron’s and like low 700s for college board practice tests. and as a result i got 740 on my math2 test</p>

<p>but a year later, barron’s -> i got low 700s (i only took a diagnostic test and a practice test) & i retook it and got 800
so … um, if you follow my trend, i think you’re better off taking bio if you’re aiming for 700+</p>

<p>If you have another year you could take Bio then or Math II.</p>

<p>may i suggest that you take Math II, because if you take it knowing all the course material, you should be completely fine. however, if you decide to take biology, there’s a LOT more stuff to learn… including ecological and evolutionary biology. that’s quite a bit of information and would probably entail you memorizing all of cliff’s notes AP.</p>

<p>Take both? Bio is really easy. I had just started the class for 4 weeks before I had my bio test and I did decently. Math will probably be easier though.</p>

<p>For bio I just read through the PR book once and did 2 tests and I got a 790. For math I didn’t do anything and got an 800.</p>

<p>umm. i studied like 3 months for the SAT Bio M and got a 710
3 days for SAT Math II and got an 800.
it’s a lot easier to prepare for the math if you’re a solid math student because the test is just a culmination of everything in math you’ve ever learned up to trig (although there was one random stat question on my test about z-scores…). the bio asks for too much misc. information.
also, i was getting 650s on my barron’s tests. you should be fine if you just get to know the test and review the concepts.</p>