<p>D currently looking at schools with strong math programs, probably pure math as opposed to applied. Continued interest is not so certain, so she should probably avoid schools with "Tech" in their names. Also has some interest in career related to national security, therefore interested in schools with strong IR or similar programs. Plays cello and would like to continue. She has an open mind about small schools, but is a little leery. Not interested in huge.<br>
She could be a candidate for the "best" [most prestigious] colleges, but I might prefer that she look at very strong schools where there is some chance for merit aid.</p>
<p>I'll try again. I suspect any strong school will have a decent math program, but am a little concerned about depth.
And I know that search engines will show which schools have the combination of majors, activities, size, and selectivity. But they won't show whether the orchestra is any fun for a non-music major.</p>
<p>take a look at American University. I don't know about Math specifically but good IR and music and great location for national security (D.C.)
Hope that helps.</p>
<p>You may want to consider a school in a consortium, like the Claremont Colleges, Amherst, or Haverford. The multiple schools may provide more options for her varied interests.</p>
<p>Maybe take a look at Johns Hopkins for the International Studies major, Peabody Conservatory (dual degree possibility), strong sciences (math, physics) and proximity to Washington DC.</p>
<p>Also Tufts for the IR and good music association there.</p>
<p>I'll second Tufts for IR (its star program) as well as music. Your daughter can even apply for the 5-year dual-degree program with the New England Conservatory if she wants that intense approach. Otherwise, Tufts just invested tens of millions in a new state-of-the-art music building that's out the world. I think one of its performance halls has the best acoustics in the New England area. The music department is small and therefore allows for very close interaction with faculty.</p>