math lvl ii: 83 vs 89

<p>What does 89 help with on the test, that 83 cannot do? I suppose long division, what besides that?</p>

<p>Oh…you have no idea :]
If you are struggling with Math II, A TI-89 will help you alot.</p>

<p>I don’t, that’s why I am asking :smiley: Yeah, I figured… But ordering 89 from U.S. will take some time, and test in 2 days… <em>smashes his head into the wall for not buying earlier</em>. So what can it do besides that?</p>

<p>You’re fine with the 83. Although the 89 has a lot of symbolic math functionality, you are much better off with a familiar, less-capable calculator than with an unfamiliar, more powerful one.</p>

<p>Well there are more functions and easier implementation with a Ti-89. But I think its more important you know what your are doing rather than just relying on a calculator to get you a good score, at least that is the purpose of the test.</p>

<p>Yeah, I mean it’s math test, not calculator test :slight_smile: I am just interested (solely interest purposes) what 89s do themselves</p>

<p>I agree that 89’s are amazing calculators, wayyy better than the 83/84’s, but they take some time to get used to and just getting one right before the test probably won’t help you very much. I would not even advise borrowing a friend’s or anything like that because the entire setup is completely different from the previous TI’s, and you will just be extremely confused.</p>

<p>there’s really no need for a 89…i suppose it saves you some time but other than that, the only things you can do with a 89 that you can’t on a 83 is like solving equations and things like that. Which are pretty easy and doesnt take THAT long to do by hand. I’m taking it with an 83 and I don’t feel like it slows me down and I can do everything I need on it.</p>

<p>89s come in more handy for higher level math…like calculus I think.</p>