Math31b - Khan, Moschovakis, Staff? / Chem20A or Chem20AH?

<p>Does anyone know which teacher is the best for 31b? Based on Bruinwalk, Moschovakis is "eh" but there's nothing on Khan, R. R. </p>

<p>EDIT: There's also "OUELLETTE, K.R.", the reviews I found for him, even though it's for Computer Programming, makes him sound "eh" as well... but his rating aren't that good...</p>

<p>Also, what does it mean when the teacher is "Staff"? Does that mean there's no teacher yet, but will be a permanent one soon? Or is it some kind of rotation thing where whoever's available teaches that week?</p>


<p>While I'm at it, is it better for me to take Chem20A with Scerri, or Chem20AH with B. Schwartz? The reviews are mildly more favorable for Schwartz, but is honors that much different than regular? (Would I be learning things that are just difficult, but unnecessary?)</p>

<p>BTW, I'll probably be a Chemistry major.</p>


<p>Oh, when discussion doesn't have the "TA" mark near it, does it mean it's being led by the professor? (Is that good or bad?) I'm currently using class planner for this.</p>

<p>I am wondering about 31b as well.</p>

<p>There are no reviews for khan on bruinwalk, but he seems to be the most (not by much) popular prof this fall for 31b. </p>

<p>Anyone ever had him for any other classes?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>what about Kucherenko? Her reviews on bruinwalk are pretty good. </p>

<p>Is Khan new? Anyone had him before?</p>

<p>I read that Moschovakis’ tests include theory based problems with lots of proofs. Would his class be the best preparation for 32A?</p>

<p>I took Khan for 170A. He is a very cool guy. Granted the class was smaller (~30ish), but he went out of his way to make a ton of office hours and help the students as much as possible. His lectures were clear and he really cared. He and the TA at the time, who is still my favorite TA and I’ve taken 3 classes with, did a wonderful job.</p>

<p>I see him on campus or in Westwood every once in a while and he always says hello and stops to talk after 2 years. Great professor.</p>

<p>Was his test/class hard gospy?</p>

<p>Not particularly, but I’m a math major. I wouldn’t worry too much about the professor. There are a few I would try to not take classes with, like Chayes. But, I think it would be about average difficulty, no surprises.</p>

<p>Are his tests/final based on what he says and does in class or strictly from the book?</p>

<p>Yeah people say that you shouldn’t worry too much about who’s teaching a class, especially for a math class. I chose Moschovakis and I’m nervous as hell, and I actually want to know more about him. He seems like a pretty good teacher, albeit a bit tough</p>

<p>Math finals are always abstract. You are forced to not only reproduce what you know but apply that to different circumstances. You have to be able to think outside the box. It’s a game of incomplete information sometimes. That being said, the tests were fairly straightforward. Averages were probably in the B/B- range. </p>

<p>I used to worry about this and look up professors. I’m gonna be completly honest with you, I really don’t think it matters that much what professor you take if you intend to invest time and effort into a course. Some courses are more difficult than others and you must adjust, but still, the difference in professors is often times marginal.</p>

<p>If I had a choice, I’d choose Khan. I actually looked to see if he was teaching a course I could take earlier and was bummed out that he wasn’t.</p>

<p>thanks Gospy. you helped a lot</p>