Mathematics in Miami...

<p>Hello, I was just wondering, what would mathematics be like at the university of Miami. I know that Miami isn't the most prestigious school in the world for mathematics, but does that mean it's a poor department? </p>

<p>How does it compare to the mathematics departments of Illinois, McGill, UCLA and Michigan. Is it really far behind their departments, or is it comparable?</p>

<p>I'd be happy if it was a solid and strong department because Miami looks like a really great and fun city with gorgeous weather and beaches. But I'd also like to say that I had a solid education from a prestigious department as well as having a good time.</p>


<p>Is nobody going to help me out here?</p>

<p>Currently my DS is a math major and is finding the classes challenging.He may change to Business somewhere down the line or double major. I don’t know how it compares to the schools you mentioned, so I can’t help you there. He is enjoying the school of arts and sciences and there are very few math majors, so his advisor is a math dept prof and is helpful to him.</p>