The bad part about my school, they care about absence.

@levathiano what school do you attend?

@Hannah69 MASE 2000

@levathiano never heard of it. Oh well good luck! Break the 1850 ye?

For the Korea test, does anyone remember the other question besides the analogy question to the passage about complaining. And does anyone remember the Armstrong passage questions?

Elk passage
counter a misconception
describe a misunderstanding

Counter A Misconception

How did elk question go exactly?

What was the answer to the question in which that black women was giving a speech? Was it about incongruity or insecurity?

@marcoreus there were 5 NEs

There was a DNA question. One choice was counter a misconception and other was conceding a point. Anyone remember that?

I got almost 7-8 wrong in CR. Projected score?

I got conceding a point @MarcoReus
It was incongruity @lordjonsnow
Anyone list the sentences that were no E’s bc I forgot

@MarcoReus Conceding a point. I believe the exact sentence was “take mild exception to”.

@Hannah69 1670 atm hoping to break into the 1800s by june. :smiley:

@gegri123 remember the no E’s on the test?

@levathiano you will! Am hopin for the elusive 2k! I think I might break it this month :=) So excited

For the DNA short passage, wasn’t the author countering a misconception? He/She describes a common image that most people have of elks and offer an alternative to what their habitat really looks like.

???/???// I’m so nervous for results lol

@Aralis he was more like conceding a point. He was agreeing to the point stated in passage one. I left that q until the end and gave it my full attention. The first and last paragraph of passage 2 proved that passage 2 is conceding to what passage one stated.


@Hannah69 I agree. I’m just saying that the choice wasn’t expressed as “concedes a point”. It was “takes mild exception to”. Same thing.