May’s Business Honors 2025

@tmclanton absolutely agree about not accepting any AP, until meeting with Advisor. And I promise, Mays advisors are great! They definitely take care of their students.
My student took Animal Science and Poultry Science freshman year…enjoyed both, easy A’s as long as faithful attendance. Physics for Future Presidents is very popular for Mays students.
The biggest perk to any honors program is early registration. Contact Disability office at TAMU, see about getting that lined up now.
Early admission into Mays super impressive. Your son should certainly be proud. There are many Mays specific orgs/clubs to join, as well as hundreds of A&M clubs. I sure hope he decides to attend A&M!


My son was NM (semi…waiting for finalist notification) ,12 AP classes and all As, but did not get into BH. Another student from our school who is an A/B student (with a C or two) got in. When I politely inquired what BH was looking for, I got an email that said “extracurricular activities are heavily weighted.” Hmmm.

@Scorpi BH isn’t just about grades/rank/gpa. They also look at leadership positions held, community service, activities participated in, awards received, etc as well as stellar grades. They’re looking for a really well rounded student. Unfortunately, there are MANY students who qualify. The competition is fierce at A&M.
Sounds like you’ve got a great kid! Tell him to apply again in December!
And wow…fingers crossed he gets NM! That’s awesome!

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Do you know if those that submit an SAT/ACT score have a better chance of getting into BH? My son has excellent grades, rank, and ECs, but his SAT is not as strong as the average of accepted BH students. What would you do? His SAT is strong for general admissions though. He’s ranked #2 in his class.

That’s a tough call. I do know they look closely at scores. At our BH spring student/parent invitational, they told us the incoming class SAT avg was something like 1510. It was staggeringly high. Lots of NM Commended/Semi/Finalists. So yes, scores are very important, but not the deal breaker.
This was 2019, pre-Covid, so ‘score optional’ wasn’t a thing.
BH wants a very well rounded student-gpa, rank, scores, leadership, activities and community service/volunteerism.

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That’s a high average! It’s probably even higher now that only students with scores in the 1500s are submitting being that TAMU has been test optional since Covid. I’m going to advise him not to send scores because I think it will hurt him. He has other things that make him stand out. If he doesn’t get in, he can try after freshman year. Thank you for your reply!

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@Gigi_Del_Gallo i honestly have no idea what the stats are now. Students can (re)apply over Christmas break of their freshman year, and 8-10ish new BH students are accepted during that spring semester. That’s the only other time to get in. Students will need TAMU 4.0 and campus involvement…and even then acceptance is limited & super competitive.
My Aggie was a BH Recruiter one year. It’s a fabulous program! But Mays itself is phenomenal!

If you look on the Honors Business website they have stats for 2022 applicant class. You can see if your student falls in the range of applicants. It does say SAT is optional. However, they have almost 1500 applicants for about 85 to 100. My son is in the incoming 2022 class and based upon the informational session of accepted students into the program I think extra curricular is a very top priority especially looking for students that are elected and most importantly reelected by their peers (student government, sports captains, yearbook editors ). Also seemed like majority of students had a part time job and maintained high grades balancing activities, work & social.


@arehfeld welcome to BH! I hope your student will love it as much as mine has! I’d strongly encourage your BHer to attend all the socials (they don’t have many), professional development opportunities, apply for field trips and get to know as many BH cohorts as possible. It is truly a fantastic program!

Congratulations to your son! My son started his TAMU app today. It’s stressful, yet exciting! Thanks for your reply.

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@Gigi_Del_Gallo if he’s got a 33+ ACT and/or 1400+ SAT, I would definitely submit those scores.
Assume he’s Top 10%/Auto Admit?

I posted in a new thread, but just reaching out here, too. Please post here when Y’all hear from BH. The waiting is the hardest part for sure.

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