May’s Business Honors 2025

My son just finished his first college application… to TAMU!!!

When did you apply: 8/13/20
Class Rank:25/706
SAT (with Sub Scores)1480
ACT (with Sub Scores) 34
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Auto- Admit
Major/College of Choice: Business- really wants business honors.
13 AP classes (including senior year)

EC- Band- 4 years, Student Leadership Team, Vice- President, Jr Class Rep, President
Basketball- 4- years freshman and varsity
golden Ambassador
Black Belt Taekwondo- leadership
Green Cords- 100 hours volunteer in 1 year
Over 200 hours volunteer
Job- since 15 with average 20 hours/week

He really wants Mays Business Honors. If he gets in our not is up to them… but he did all he could do! Very proud of him. I Can’t wait to find out!

I see from other posts that some people have started receiving their acceptance letters to Mays Business Honors. Who all has heard and what are your stats? We are anxiously hoping to get a packet soon!!! This is all he really wants!

I got my acceptance to honors yesterday!

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Please give stats when you have a second.

Can someone explain what they are applying for when they talk about Mays Business? Is the 1st Choice the college or a major in the college? Is Business Honors a major? Is there a non honors plain ole BA degree? Are people applying for 1. Business Honors and then 2. Finance?

I’m confused when I read posts and am probably just missing the nuance… it almost sounds like applying for generic Engineering, but can’t believe that is correct. If there is something that lays this out for caveman please share a link.


It’s a good question. So honors is just honors within Mays. It is not a specific major. As fish, you apply to mays. Then designate your path… acct, finance, mgmt etc. if you want business honors, then you apply to that separately after you’ve been accepted into Mays.

For specific majors (honors designated or not) you complete the lower level classes and then you apply to upper level. It’s a non event. It’s not competitive. It’s based on you completing the required courses for that degree plan with a C or better.

If in honors, you’ll be required to take more classes (there’s a list on mays site, I believe) and you’ll be required to do some other projects or research.

Actually, Business Honors at Mays is a major. BH is different from all other honors programs at A&M. It is extremely competitive, over 2,200 applied, for incoming class of ‘25, for 80-85 spots.
Those in BH will graduate with a BBA Business Honors, and most double major with another Business degree (Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc).

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Oh wow, I had no idea. My son isn’t in business honors but is allowed to take honors courses based on his GPA. I’ve never even heard of a BBA in Business honors. Thanks to you I just went and researched it. It is a very generic degree as far non specialized, so I’m glad they are able to double major!

Thanks for the info!!!

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The BH program is outstanding! The degree opens many doors, is highly recognizable. BH has their own program director and 2 advisors.

For those above that asked-you apply for BH at the same time you apply for A&M admission. Acceptances start going out in November. The only other time to get into the program is after fall of freshman year; applications open up Dec-January, for only 8-10 spots.


Still waiting on a response over here! I have seen that some people have received rejections now. I am holding out hope that not receiving a rejection is a good sign at this point. This is all he has wanted for the past 3 years! Everything he has done has been with this goal in mind. He is trying to stay patient… fingers crossed!

@tmclanton i sure hope he gets in, because it is truly the best program at A&M! If he doesn’t, he has one more shot to apply, over Christmas break of freshman year. If that happens, tell him he’ll need a 4.0 from the fall, and be able to show how he got involved at A&M.
I do know there are students who have been offered BH, but haven’t accepted yet, so they’re waiting to finalize those students/numbers. I don’t know what the deadline is to accept/decline.
Keep me posted! :crossed_fingers:t3:

Was your son National Merit commended or Semi?

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My son hasn’t heard anything either, still waiting

Good luck to him… at this point, no news is good news! I do hope we hear soon!

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No he was not NMF or anything. He did not take the PSAT seriously. He got serious after that. I have anxiety every time I open the mailbox. I know eventually we will hear something!


I am hoping that now that TU is releasing more acceptances into their business program, that people may commit there and decline TAMU and open up slots they may be holding. Then those “on the bubble” can get accepted. My son had NO desire to go to UT… TAMU is his dream school! Maybe I am way off, but this is my glimmer of hope.

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Well, he did not get in. He is disappointed, but I am sure he I’ll be fine.

@tmclanton oh man! I’m so disappointed with you. Tell him I’ve heard 2,200 applied (a very strong source), so to even make it this far is incredible! Tell him to get involved in the fall, take 12 hours & get a 4.0 and apply again.
And it definitely isn’t the ‘end all’. So many ways to blaze his own trail at A&M…promise!

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I second what @52AG82 said 100%. And with you in his corner… he has greatness ahead.

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Thank you both! I am just grateful he was accepted to Mays! A lot of people do not get in! I am just concentrating on that. Truth is, I think he has already moved on. I just hope he still decides to go to TAMU. I think he put a lot of importance on being in honors. I am not sure university honors will be a good fit. If we can get the priority registration for his disability, I think that will take the place of the main benefit of honors. He has most of his core classes done through AP. Maybe we can pick a couple we know he will do well to help pad his first semester to give him a better chance in the Spring… if he still feels that it is important to him.
Trusting the process and excited for a great college experience!


Yes. Great outlook. And honestly registration always works out. No one doesn’t graduate in 4 years that wants to. He’ll get the classes he needs when he needs them.

What does he want to study upper level?

And do not accept Ap credits til he has to. If he has history for example… hold that in his hip pocket. He may want an easy class at some point. So much time to accept AP credit. There is zero rush.