Mays Business Honors Admissions

Had Zoom Info Meeting on Nov 10 (was invited via email). At meeting, they said, “Selection in progress, some acceptances will go out in Nov. Rest in Jan”. Hang in there, everyone!

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@voda2013 - my son got the email but missed the meeting. Do you think missing it will hurt him?

I do not think so. This is what happened at meeting:
Attendees : BH Director, 2 BH Program Advisors, some current BH students, about 70-75 prospective students. (They said they like it if you have camera on.)
First half hour info about BH - study abroad info etc. 2nd half hour breakout into multiple zoom rooms to ask current BH students any questions you have. They seem to imply that being in BH the students will not suffer on grades as they know everyone is above average, so they do not use bell curve for grading. Should be possible to get A’s. You do not compete against your classmates.

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@voda2013 —thank you. He had an obligation for a sports team he is on. I figured if it was for everyone that was “eligible” then the email went to almost all the people who applied. Assuming that is in the 1500-2000 numbers like last year.

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My son registered for the zoom call initially. But then had school commitment on the date and had to send email declining. It did not count against him on his acceptance. However by the time the zoom call was held he had already been accepted to the program. My son is in Honors Econ ( in person) which is not in the business department but it is a class you need to take for the degree and you will be competing with your peers for the A.

@arehfeld wait, I’m confused. Do you have two kids at A&M? You said you have a son in Business Honors, now you’re saying you have a son in Econ Honors. Two sons or just one?

Okay, I think I understand what you’re saying. Your BH student took an HNR Econ class? My BH student came in with 1 ECON from high school, has taken ECON 202 and and ECON 323 at A&M.
Neither were HNR sections; so HNR (section) ECON isn’t a requirement, just one your son chose to take.
ECON isn’t ‘easy’ at A&M (very few classes are), sure wouldn’t suggest taking HNR section ECON, if not an ECON major.

correct. I think it depends on student and learning style. He is not a fan of online learning. He was registered for online because that was all that was available at nsc. Day before fall semester started they opened a second Honors Econ so he dropped online and enrolled in person. It is challenging but it was way easier to form study groups, meet the teacher & TA, and ask questions during lecture for clarification. I am quite shocked that econ 202 is not offered in person unless you qualify for honors seems very unfair to students.

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@arehfeld the 2 required ECONs are always online only (except for the HNR section, which I never even knew existed). All classes for minors are always online only also, as well as some other classes.
My BHer is a Senior, so she started in fall of ‘19…before Covid. Up until then, not sure we’d ever heard of zoom, and she’d never taken any kind of class online. We are so thankful she took ECON as an incoming freshman, and her HNR Olympic Studies in the spring (online only, Professor lives in London)…those classes prepared her for the sudden world of leaving college at spring break, and instantly all college classes online.
My Aggie was telling us recently she enjoyed her Econ classes so much, she only needed 2 additional classes for an ECON minor…but she didn’t want to mess with it her last semester.

I was wondering about the application process for Honors. Did anyone submit a resume to supplement the ApplyTexas application? That format seemed very limited in elaborating on extracurricular, etc.

@52AG82 , Got the big envelope in the mail ! :grinning:
Accepted to BH (letter dated 11/11). Included a very nice handwritten note from Ms.Morley (BH Director) talking about the things she liked in the application. Thanks to @FriscoDad @ChristiR93 and others who helped answer questions about A&M. Best of luck to all.


@voda2013 WooHoo‼️ Sooo happy for you! Yay!

@voda2013 Congratulations! Do you mind sharing stats and generally what they were happy about seeing?

Whoop! Congrats. What an honor (see what I did there?) lol.


They liked the academics, class rank, AP & IB Classes, test scores, involvement, leadership, and service, DECA competitions. Below are the academic stats
Class Rank 0.7 % (public school. class of 700+)
SAT 1600
Took 10 AP tests - score of 5 on all
Girl Scouts Gold Award
Excellent ECs, volunteer work, recommendations etc.


I also just got mine, although my stats were not nearly as impressive as yours.


Congratulations! Way to go!

Are you applying anywhere else?

@voda2013 —wow! Any school would be thrilled to have this girl of yours!

@Ginjaninja —congratulations to you, too!!

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@Ginjaninja —do you mind sharing your stats? Each person a so much ore than just these numbers. But I’m curious about the incoming class for BH. Clearly each are outstanding.