Mays Business Honors Admissions

Howdy TAMU parents. I thought I’d start this thread since initial acceptance letters will be going out soon. DS applied, but we aren’t too optimistic. It’s super selective and despite being #2 with quite a bit of EC and leadership positions, SAT/ACT scores aren’t in the competitive range


@TAMUMAMA i have a current BH senior. Yes, incredible program, highly selective. Even since my Aggie was accepted, the SAT/ACT scores continue to get higher and higher.
Great news is, if not selected, Mays is still amazing and your student-hopefully🤞🏼-will get to reap the benefits of the brand new BEC (Business Education Center). Super jealous about that!

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@52AG82 --thank you for your response! This is uncharted territory. I don’t know anyone else whose child has even applied for BH; I didn’t realize mine had until after the fact. The stress is in the waiting ! And potentially not knowing until February!

His (I accidentally switched my children and put “DD” in the initial thread) SAT/ACT scores aren’t low by normal standards (just below the 1400/30 range), but certainly not on par with the averages for BH. He is top 2% and well-rounded. I loved his essay.

Either way–exciting for sure.

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@TAMUMAMA i didn’t know mine had applied, she did all her college stuff on her own. When the packet came in the mail (large envelope/packet = Acceptance, regular envelope = ‘thanks for applying’) we were in the car together, so I opened it. She had even forgotten she applied, definitely wasn’t waiting on acceptance.

We were invited to a local BH Invitational, at the home of some Mays donors, where we were able to meet the Dean and BH staff. This was all pre-Covid, so not sure if they still do that.

The BH staff definitely knows what they’re looking for, there’s virtually no turnover (one student from my ‘23 BHers cohort has left, and they just changed majors to Bush Policy School).
Being honest, not sure below 1400/30 range will cut it. MANY are NMF/SF/Commended. The scores could hold him back.

Yes, FANTASTIC program, BUT so many other ways to get involved in Mays! If he doesn’t get in, it’ll be ok! Promise!

There’s a great FB page, just for Mays parents. You must answer ALL questions to join (or you’ll get declined).

@52AG82 —you are so helpful! Greatly appreciated. I want to join, but I didn’t want to answer that my child is a student at Mays since he won’t technically be until August. he has been accepted.

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@TAMUMAMA i think it asks something like “has your student been accepted to Mays?”
Reply- yes, incoming class 2027
I think it asks about major, too?
Reply-BUAD (since Mays students don’t declare their major until soph/junior year)

It’s a very helpful page. You can scroll thru old posts to see what Mays clubs/orgs are offered, see the current activities.

Or you can wait to join until closer to NSC. Up to you!

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@52AG82 —I love information. I’ll join soon.

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Hi my son is a freshman in business honors this year and at the parent student orientation in March they said there is roughly a 15 percent turnover. They said it is mostly students who are very involved in clubs and activities and do not want the pressure of the 3.5 gpa or transfer out of the major.


I went ahead and edited your post to say “DS”

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Received regular mailed letter acknowledging that DD has applied for BH. The letter also covers how competitive the program is and we should hear more between Nov 1 and Jan 15 on the decisions.

Good luck! I think Mays is great even if not the Honors route. I just hate waiting.

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Absolutely same (on waiting) :slight_smile:

@Ab2026 Please post when you get your letter!

Really interesting. In 2018, packets were sent out for invitation/acceptance, letters mailed later if you didn’t get in. There wasn’t any communication-you got in, or you didn’t.
Did the letter say how many applied, @Ab2026?

Letter confirms the applicant’s interest and mentions following key points:
Last year, 85 spots and 1500 apps
No separate application or additional materials needed
Decision letters will be mailed between Nov 1 and Jan 15

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Any updates on BH acceptance or not?
@voda2013 have you heard anything?

No letter or email either way. @52AG82

Kind of makes me nutty. Even though the more I read the more of a long shot I know it is.

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@TAMUMAMA remember, Mays is incredible! So many orgs, certificates, study abroad opportunities, competitions, plus the new BEC that should be open by the time the incoming freshmen graduate!
BH is soooooooo competitive (the first of MANY competitive things at TAMU…). 1st wave of acceptances definitely should’ve gone out by now.
Honestly I wouldn’t give BH another thought. If a packet comes in the mail…Great! If it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world. Promise!

Based on last years time line the acceptances, I don’t think anyone would have received a letter yet. Our letter was written (dated) November 10th and we received the letter on Nov. 16th just two days before the zoom informational call. We live close to College Station so doubt it took very long to arrive in mail.

@arehfeld my ‘23 received her packet Nov 3…in 2018. But they didn’t send out any kind of letters then, giving a timeline, no zoom informational. Sounds like things have changed a little.