Hello All,
I have a bachelors in Business Economics and an MBA from the University of South Florida. I am a Financial Analyst, and was wondering if an MS in Entrepreneurship would possibly benefit me in the future. Currently, I am attending the online MSE program at the University of Florida, and just really wanted some input to determine if having both degrees is redundant, or would prospective employers see an MSE as good to have, along with my MBA.
To me it doesn’t seem like another master degree would mean much to an employer. I think the real question for you is whether the entrepreneur ship degree would give you skills that you didn’t get in the other degrees or work experience. If so then the degree might be worth it. But for most employers I suspect they value the MBA more simply because that degree is more well known.
I’m confused. Why would an employer want to hire someone who has a masters degree in “starting their own buisness”. And why would an employee want a degree in that. Just become an entrepreneur. If you start your own buisness you will learn all the same stuff a and get paid for it instead of paying for it. Personally when I interview a person with more than one masters it’s a red flag. It tells me that they are more about learning than working, more about theory than practice, and likely to be a know it all.