MCA and chances for 2019 Freshmen

@gumbymom Thanks for the reassurance. This AP Econ/Gov class is driving us nuts. I needed to hear that it won’t be a factor. Thanks!

I just started reading this thread today. So looking @ Nervous2022 original post, it appears that the hours for EC and Work were total yearly hours not weekly hours, but the points calculated were for weekly participation. Does anyone else read it that way?

@wontgiveup, as @Gumbymom said, we only know for certain that the MCA was in effect through 2013. They pulled reference to that calculation after that year. Nothing leads us to believe they do it any other way since then, and the Final Status threads seem to support that they do, but they no longer publicly discuss it. I’m not sure why. SJSU has a very similar system that they are very transparent about.

What would you like to know about this: “Any thoughts on the Social Science and Elective calculation for MCA.”?

Thanks at @eyemgh

Just wondering if they give any points to extra Social Science and College Prep Electives above the minimum a-g requirements. Your original post including information about how to calculate MCA indicated they do not give extra points for these areas. Sounds like they probably still do not (or at least we don’t know for sure anymore).

My son’s AP Econ/Gov class can be listed either as one full year of AP Macro or as a semester each of AP Macro/Gov. Either seems acceptable to Cal Poly.

So the deciding factor is what looks best on the app for my son. Entered as one full year, he ends up with 2 years of SS and 2 years of CE. Entered as semesters, he has 2.5 SS and 1.5 CE, putting him above the minimum in both areas vs only one.

What are your thoughts on entering it. @Gumbymom has reassured me it probably has no bearing on admission but we’d still like to enter it the best way possible.


^I meant to direct the above questions to you but the way I typed it out wasn’t obvious the question was for you :slight_smile:

@wontgiveup, I think as long as he hits the minimum requirements, how he lists that class won’t matter either way. The MCA, as of the last publication we have, only counts classes in math, lab sciences, English, foreign languages, and visual performance towards the rigor points. Beyond that, it’s simply a matter of meeting the minimum requirements. As long as he hits 4 semesters of social sciences (that must include 2 of US History or US History and Government), and has at least 2 semesters of college prep electives, he’s fine. Hope that helps.

@eyemgh That’s helps a ton!!! Thanks!!!

@eyemgh and @gumbymom I really appreciate your responses. You helped solidify how he listed the class and he just submitted. Woo hoo!

Now we wait…

MCA: 4685
In State
Mechanical Eng.

Do I have a good chance of getting in?

@Foolio, i would not say you have a “good” chance, but I would say you have a chance. I think you’ll be right on the bubble. In the past two years, the MCAs of accepted ME applicants have been mid 4700 and higher. Good luck and have a safety.

Do you happen to know the average MCA of the waitlist? Just want to have some context.

@fooolio, nope. Sorry.

I applied to aerospace engineering with an MCA of 4727. Is this good enough score to get in?

@fooolio: Since SLO admits by major, the MCA averages for the waitlist would not give much information. You need to know the MCA threshold for each major which is not published.

@Gumbymom do you have any MCA data for majors within CAFES?

@BZ3Boys: You can search the thread below. Use the magnifying glass at the top right or bottom right of the thread to do a search. MCA points can be helpful but unless you know the MCA admit threshold for each major, it is only a guideline. MCA admit thresholds will also change from year to year dependent upon the applicant pool.

You can also look the projection/targets for each major in CAFES and the average admitted GPA/test scores to gauge your chances.

@Gunbymom. My MCA is 4603. In-State. Is that enough to be admitted in the Orfalea College of Business for Business Administration?

@Goose15: Your MCA points makes you competitive but there is no way to predict if it will be enough to get an acceptance since the MCA threshold will be dependent upon how you stack up to the other Business Admin applicants. You are definitely in the running.

You can check how you compare to last year’s applicants:

@Gunbymom. Thanks!!

With an MCA of roughly 4550-4590, would I stand a chance for either Software Engineering or Electrical Engineering at Cal Poly SLO? Or is it gonna be a difficult admit?

@bigmansthrowaway: A good target MCA for any type of Engineering is 4700+. That said, since SLO does not publish their MCA thresholds, this is a guess and why the “final status thread” was started to collect data. Check out the thread and see how you compare:

For SLO, the majority of the Engineering majors are going to be tough.