MCAT after soph or junior year

<p>I'm a sophomore that got a B in Orgo1 and I'm wondering whether to push Orgo2 from this semester until the Summer (6wks in july/aug... so no summer research programs? ) so I'd have more time to focus entirely on that and hopefully do better.</p>

<p>I've taken Bio1+2 already, in the form of Evolutionary Bio and Cell Bio, and I'm wondering whether it'd be an advantage waiting to take the MCAT until after my Junior year, since I'll take micro OR biochem + anatomy/physiology that year... In other words, how much Bio do you need to do well on the BS section of the MCAT?</p>

<p>Finally, is it too crammed to try and do all the MCAT studying right after the spring semester of your Junior year and still be able to apply on time?</p>

<p>btw.. i plan on doing a course in either scenario</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I have friends who’ve taken Orgo over the summer, and it generally hasn’t worked out well for them. There’s a lot of material to cover, and for most people it takes awhile to sink in.</p>

<p>I did most of my Orgo studying/learning at the last minute in a pretty condensed fashion, but I’m a chem major and that sort of thing is my strong point. Most of my friends who did well in Orgo spaced out their studying and did more total studying than anyone could really do in a summer course. Also, principles from Orgo I are important in Orgo II, so it’s better not to have to relearn them after a break. I’d recommend just taking it next semester, and making time to study.</p>