<p>I am an American student an was was recently accepted to McGill University. I am very glad to have gotten into McGill, and will most likely attend starting next fall. Although I am aware that graduate school is a long way off, one of my considerations in choosing the school where I will receive an undergraduate degree is my hope to get a graduate degree.</p>
<p>For me and my family the lower cost of McGill, in comparison to private American schools, make paying for a graduate degree more of a possibility. I wanted to try to gather some information on how an undergraduate degree from McGill is looked at by admissions officers at American graduate schools and what McGill's own graduate programs are like.</p>
<p>As I stated before graduate school is a long way off, and I know my feelings may change in that time. However, at this point I am considering pursuing a degree law, or masters in international relations or political science. </p>
<p>I would be interested to hear the ideas and feedback of anyone who feels they have perspective on these questions. I would also welcome other, who have questions about McGill in relations to graduate level education, to use this forum to pose further questions.
Thank you and I look forward to reading your replies.</p>
<p>McGill’s graduation for graduate schools is tier 1 of the world’s best. McGill is one of the world’s leading research universities.</p>
<p>Also McGill is known for having grade deflation so if you come out at the top of your class, grad schools know that you are really smart.</p>
<p>Basically, McGill’s rep when it comes to grad school is as good as it gets. I know there’s quite a few people on these forums that can attest to its grad reputation–McGill sends top students to all top grad schools you might be able to think of (HYPS, Berkeley, MIT,Caltech, Oxbridge, UMich, toronto, McGill, chicago, columbia, brown…)</p>
<p>What about its reputation for Business? If I do management from McGill and wish to go to a top school in the US for an MBA, how is McGill’s reputation for that?</p>
McGill’s management is Tier 2 at best; you will not place directly into a top MBA programme - although most MBAs would want you to get in a few years work experience anyway.</p>
Other than management, McGill places well into top US and UK schools. This is the primary reason I applied there; By paying less than half the tuition I would pay in the US, grad school would become affordable - and without hurting my chances of getting into a good school.</p>