McGill, polytechnique bachelor Paris or Cooper Union for engineering

Hi, I got accepted in these three universities (McGill, polytechnique bachelor Paris and Cooper Union) and I don’t know which one to choose, would you help me please ?!
I’m very confused…

Where do you live, which of these options is affordable, where do you hope to settle after college?

And where do you have regular work status (as a citizen or permanent resident)?

I come from Morocco and my parents can afford any one of them. I want to do research after the bachelor maybe a master and after a doctorate

I’m an international student from Morocco

@MYOS1634 probably has a better clue but my understanding is that instructional quality in North America is better than in France.

I read on Quora (a forum) that Cooper Union is comparable to MIT or Carnegie Mellon university but I don’t really know if it’s true. Besides McGill has a better ranking top 30 in the world.Cooper Union isn’t ranked. Thanks

Because they’re not ranking schools that small that aren’t doing PhD research. Rankings may be a poor guide for choosing undergraduate studies, because of that.

X isn’t ranked highly either.

You would arguably get a better student-faculty ratio at Cooper Union than at McGill.

And Polytechnique meaning X or another grande ecole within the Polytechnique Institute?

I can’t copy paste the link but it’s a new program that began in 2017 within the X exclusively in English because the normal program of engineering is in French

I’m curious what @MYOS1634 thinks of that program.

I think @MYOS1634 hasn’t answered yet

I copy pasted the link

I don’t know anything about this new program but understand that it is very different from the main/traditional program that leads to a French diplôme d’ingénieur (equivalent to a US Master) which X is known for.

If you want to work in Europe, go for the X. It’s very renowned and taught in English. However, I would also consider McGill as it will give you a greater student experience than the other two in my opinion. May I just ask you which program you are considering at McGill?
Finally, bear in mind that rankings are highly based on research. So it’s none of your business for the moment. These schools are all very good in engineering so don’t worry about the quality of teaching!
Good luck in making a decision!!

Do you have friends in NYC or can you afford to live in the Cooper Union Dorm?
If not, then your choice is between McGill and Polytechnique.
Is one of these programs cheaper?
What kind of experience have you had in secondary school (ie., international school, British-patterned school, French-patterned school, American school)?

That is not true at all.

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Thank you @DrSkelton I’m considering mechanical engineering

I can afford the dorm, polytechnique is cheaper and I’m in a French high school