I’m an engineer major so they’re requiring me to take it. I have no clue on it besides for the fact that it starts at 11 on May 9th (for me).
If anyone is familiar or has taken it, would you mind telling me about it…
how long does it take?
Can we use calculators?
Are the reviews on the CPP website exactly the same as the actual test? (Just different numbers)?
Are the problems similar?
I’m hoping that if I know how to do all of them on there I should be fine.
I took precal a few years ago…almost three years ago actually. So I definitely forgot a lot of it. Precal was actually my hardest class…for some reason it was harder than calculus at the time.
I’m so worried because I don’t want to end up being behind on math when I start, especially when I’m supposed to be majoring in engineering… What kind of engineer sucks at math like that…yikes.