<p>Today I was on the SPS website and I found out that their median SSAT score is 88% . They admitted 208 kids. Median is in the middle of or dividing the upper and lower part right ? If so, this means that they admitted 103-104 kids with less than an 88% SSAT score. Doesn't sound too bad does it ? Anyone know of any other schools median SSAT ?</p>
<p>88% does not mean that 100 kids have lower it could mean that 100 kids got a 87 and 100 kids got an 89… or that 100 kids got like a 78 and 100 kids got a 98,ect… and what other schools do you need to no the median for?</p>
<p>I think you’re calculating the average. Oh I don’t need to know any medians for schools. I just thought that it was interesting.</p>
<p>Or 100 kids got 50s, one got 88 and 100 kids got 89.
Or 100 kids got 99s, one got 88 and 100 got 87s.
Not likely, but median will be 88 in both cases. Not very informative, right?</p>