Medical issue in highschool


I am currently a sophomore in highschool, I had a brain surgery done a while back summer before freshman year, and it has effected my ability to always be in school as i have alot of symptoms related to my surgery. End of Freshman year I was diagnosed with another AVM. Its just alot of stress on me cause there were days where i would wake up and forget where I am and who I am, yet this is now cured towards the end of my sophomore year of highschool. I am worried as my highschool gpa is at a 2.45 right now. It is very hard to wake up in the morning without these symptoms. Now im just really worried and feel like I have no chance to even go to my state school Rutgers. Is there anyway college admissions officers can see my story before judging me on my gpa? as I’ve been symptom free for 3 months and looking to dramatically increase my gpa junior year. Please help me on this issue as i really dont want to go to CC


Get better, keep pulling the GPA up, let your guidance counselor address it in his/her recommendation.