I am currently a junior in highschool, I had a brain surgery done a while back summer before freshman year, and it has effected my ability to always be in school as i have alot of symptoms related to my surgery. End of Freshman year I was diagnosed with another AVM. Its just alot of stress on me cause there were days where i would wake up and forget where I am and who I am, yet this is now cured towards the end of my sophomore year of highschool. I am worried as my highschool gpa is at a 2.2 right now but this year as a junior I got 3.1. It is very hard to wake up in the morning without these symptoms. Now im just really worried and feel like I have no chance to even go to my state school Rutgers. Is there anyway college admissions officers can see my story before judging me on my gpa? as I’ve been symptom free for 3 months and looking to dramatically increase my gpa junior year. Please help me on this issue as i really dont want to go to CC
Yes, if this is explained well, then they will understand. Just show that your GPA junior year shows solid improvement, and you should be fine.
It seems to me that it would be critical for you to be close to the supports and medical assistance you need. That would probably be the most important variable in the decision making regarding where you go to college. Are things stable for your now? Do you need to be under medical care? All those things would need to be considered as priorities I would think. Community college may make sense for a start if you are not stable medically.
Im stable for this pay year and all symptoms have gone away, I just feel like crap eveyday realziing high school messed me up CUZ of my surgery and health conditions and I wish I never had this issue so I cud keep my grades up and not be all over the place, im really deppressed these days, I really wish/ hope my counselor explains this well, I just wanna go to a nursing program so I can do my end to help people as I’ve been throught it myself
Did high school mess you up. Sounds like you have unfortunate health issues that re-occurred at least once. Is that correct? If so you should probably get solid information about the chances of a recurrence-and make decisions about how to proceed based on that. If there is a chance that health issues can re-occur, you probably need to ensure that you are close to supports and medical help.
If you did well in STEM related classes then it seems like you would have a good chance to get into a nursing program. If not, you will have to spend some time and effort to demonstrated that you can be successful with a STEM related curriculum. Even if your grades are low due to illness, the schools need evidence that you can succeed in their school. If you really want to pursue nursing then it will probably be worth doing what is necessary to demonstrate that you are capable of succeeding in a rigorous school. Good luck. Hope you stay healthy too.
What is the next step though? My goa is so bad, yet I don’t want to give up or go to CC, im willing to do anything to prove to these schools