<p>I just want to know more about it, especially because I want to be either MHS major or a bio major. SO, what's MHS all about?</p>
<p>It’s a mix of a bunch of different classes. Look up the major online & see if the course requirements interest you. There are different things you can focus on. You have certain courses you have to take and some that you can choose within the major.</p>
<p>My D is a MHS major. She is interested in sociology, but she likes the range of courses in MHS better than those she’d have to take as a soc major. She can focus on sociology within her MHS curriculum. </p>
<p>FWIW, she plans to go to law school.</p>
<p>Honestly, the bio majors have started referring to MHS as the “HOD” of arts and sciences. A bio major will be harder and definitely more lecture / textbook based. Also if you are interested in research, you would probably be a better fit for a bio major. MHS would be good if you are considering public health or something along those lines.</p>
<p>As a fourth-year Biology major, I must say that I’ve never heard MHS referred to as the “HOD” of A&S (i.e. that it’s the ‘easy’ major in the College). I know quite a few people following that course of study, some of whom are applying to law school (as previously mentioned), some of whom are applying (with promising results) to medical school, and some of whom are pursuing other paths (MHS, international health, etc.). I do agree with silversparkles that if you are interested in bench research in a lab, Biology would be the way to go. However, MHS students can also perform rewarding and productive scholarly research, as you can see [url=<a href=“http://www.vanderbilt.edu/mhs/undergraduate/honors]here[/url”>Honors Program | Medicine, Health, and Society Website | Vanderbilt University]here[/url</a>]. In fact, of the students listed on that page I know two: one is at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine and the other is at the Emory School of Medicine. As kelsmom suggested, a thorough reading of the MHS website is the best avenue towards understanding at this point. I’d like to reiterate that you shouldn’t let what silversparkles said deter you, as I think MHS can be a very positive note on an application to graduate school. Let your interests in the majors guide you, not their reputations.</p>