Meeting area for accepted students

<p>School: SFS
Hometown: Redwood City, Ca (San Francisco peninsula)
Gender: Female
AIM S/N: TinkABelle152</p>

<p>i havent been posting much lately, but i guess ive been lurking, lol...just didnt have much to say cuz most of the posts were about RD stuff....but congrats to all who got in!!!</p>

<p>im like....i dont know....not quite sure im going cuz im still waiting to hear on a lot of stuff, and i have to decide whether i want to do journalism w/ a minor in intnl relations (at USC (still waiting to find out if i got that scholarship)) or intnl relations...and work on the newspaper/tv station....but if i decide on intl relations im going to gtown, i fell in love with it when i visited for the open house in february!</p>

<p>hoya saxa!</p>

<p>School: GC
Hometown: Suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia
Gender: Female
AIM S/N: ohwell cole.</p>

<p>See ya on the hilltop.</p>


<p>School: SFS
Hometown: Tenafly, NJ
Gender: Male
AIM S/N: proudcommie</p>

<p>hey...any accepted students from the NYC metro area interested in us all meeting up in the city sometime?</p>

<p>School: COL (Govt)
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Gender: Male
AIM: bezenji18</p>

<p>It's either gtown or umich for me, and I have a full tuition/housing scholarship to umich which is making this selection process very difficult...</p>

<p>you know you want to come to the Hilltop. lol, j/k :)</p>

<p>School: SFS
Hometown: Chatham, NJ
Gender: Male
AIM: JohnnyP3rd</p>

<p>Hey, Kris, finally got the registration link to work on my computer. Yeah, I guess it's like 80% Georgetown, 20% Fordham, cuz they gave me a full ride and I'd be at Lincoln Center campus in the middle of manhattan, and I love New York, but Georgetown is amazing - between the location, the school, and SFS, without the money it would be Georgetown in a second, but as it is, I gotta check Fordham out first</p>

<p>polaniman: you know what i've noticed? compared to NYC, DC just seems so second rate. clean subways? complete lack of skyscrapers? it's so messed up.</p>

<p>School: College
Hometown: 'round kansas city, mo
Gender: F
AIM: martymahree</p>

<p>I think I'll attend...I want to...Cross your fingers for me!</p>


<p>DON'T MESS WITH DC!!!!!!! Second Rate? Yeah, the tuition is high, but... FREE museums, political center of the US, clean subways are a positive thing, getting diplomats to walk right of the white house lawn and come to Gtown, an awesome education at one of the nation's finest university, I feel a Mastercard comercial coming around... oh... here it is... PRICELESS!!! Just Kidding! Go wherever feels best, I love NYC, it's an awesome city, and money definetely needs to be accounted for, I had to chose betweena full ride at American, U of I, or Nothing at Georgetown, I chose Georgetown, I just really love it!</p>

<p>Oh please. LA > DC > NY.</p>


<p>Of course, I'm a tad biased.</p>

<p>Okay, you guys do not want to start this, because having gone to high school in Manhattan for 4 years, I could rant for a week about why NYC is the one of the greatest places in the world (second only to Gij</p>

<p>School: NHS
Hometown: Edison, NJ
Gender: Female
AIM: ralu1661</p>

<p>I am so excited about Georgetown next year! I LOVE the place. While NY is one of my favorite hang out places, Gtown beats any of the colleges in NY. </p>

<p>I actuallly have a question about Georgetown's science programs... is it any good at pre-med, or science overall...or is it basically amazing only for politics and the such?</p>

<p>NYC is a closet claustrophobe's nightmare. LA is so much more relaxed and spread out. =)</p>

<p>If you like urban sprawl, then by all means go to LA!</p>

<p>Personally, it's too spread out for my taste. San Francisco, however, is the perfect city! :)</p>

<p>However, I do really love DC. When I visited Georgetown, the city of DC was one of my favorite parts!</p>

<p>ok, let's get our facts straight here.</p>

<p>NYC: cultural and financial capital of the planet. music, art, film, literature, journalism, etc. Wall Street and Midtown. can't be beat. it's the modern day equivalent of Rome in the first century AD or Chang'an during the Tang dynasty. it's practically the center of human civilization; if anything important happens, it happens in NYC.</p>

<p>DC: greatest concentration of political power. some nice museums and monuments and stuff, i guess. it's alright.</p>

<p>LA: depressing and isolating sprawl and a mindless car culture</p>

<p>and btw hoyadan, dirty subways have got lots of character. you gotta love 'em.</p>

<p>School: COL, pre-med
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Gender: Male
AIM: ramsta48</p>

<p>Again, not gettin a dime from those hoyas, so i very well may not go. Gtown is rad, but if i'm going to be paying 45 grand for an education, I may as well go to Penn and have that ivy-league name tucked under my belt. UPenn's CAS might be where I end up.</p>

<p>raluca86.. i think i might be able to answer some of your questions pertaining to premed. give me an IM if you want... CC posts take forever. s/n: Ramsta48</p>

NYC: cultural and financial capital of the planet. music, art, film, literature, journalism, etc. Wall Street and Midtown. can't be beat. it's the modern day equivalent of Rome in the first century AD or Chang'an during the Tang dynasty. it's practically the center of human civilization; if anything important happens, it happens in NYC.


<p><em>cough</em> A NJ bias there, perhaps?</p>

<p>Don't forget -- you may have the financial centres of the United States, as well as ** some ** of the leading art centres -- but we still have the brainwash -- I mean, uhh, entertainment industry. And I don't mean * Broadway * either.</p>

<p>DC: greatest concentration of political power. some nice museums and monuments and stuff, i guess. it's alright.</p>


LA: depressing and isolating sprawl and a mindless car culture


<p>Depressing? Isolating? When's the last time you've been to LA? Okay, so the car culture is there -- but there are other things as well. Sheesh!</p>

<p>new york a modern day rome? let's get serious here. the subway isnt just dirty its abolutely frightening too if its late at night. the city does hav a lot of fantastic stuff, but thats just because any city with 7 million people is bound to get a few things right. the bottom line is, for a college student, nyc just isn't practical. the highest cost of living int he country, the expensive and time-consuming travel (traffic moves at a snails pace), the smog, the unwelcoming new york people. nyc has the poorest of the poor, the richest of the rich, and the rudest of the rude. it has a lot of character and interesting people, and for an aspiring professional or twenty-something, nyc is a cool place to make your mark, but for a college student its a bad idea. and if all those reasons dont deter you, the yankees should. everyone hates the has earthquakes, energy problems, and an steriod juicing terminator for a governor.what does la give a college student besides nice weather? dont forget where the center of democracy and intellectual curiosity is: the nations capital baby.</p>

<p>tlaktan: LA definitely is depressing and much so that even Hollywood movies like Collateral (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) or Crash (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) talk about it. That's just what happens when you've got all that hideous sprawl. And we've got more than just Broadway over here. Do you have any idea how many movies are shot in New York? Do you have any idea how many actors made their mark on the off-Broadway theater scene here? NYC can definitely go toe-to-toe with LA when it comes to culture.</p>

<p>collegeman: yeah, NYC is expensive, but DC isn't all that better either. yeah, traffic moves at a snail's pace--that's why the subway system kicks so much a$$ in terms of efficiency and extensiveness. smog is definitely not a problem here (LA is a whole other story, btw), and that stupid stereotype about New Yorkers being rude is complete garbage. Some of the nicest people I know I've met in all the different neighborhoods and boroughs of the city.</p>

<p>NYC > DC > LA.</p>