<p>For people who were accepted,
AIM S/N (if you want...I swear I'm not a loser, I just got in early and I couldn't go to the first open house in February and I am really anxious to meet my future classmates):</p>
<p>I will obviously start it off
Short Hills, NJ, but I go to school in Manhattan
RodgersNJ, feel free to IM me if you are a current or soon to be Hoya</p>
<p>School:School of Foreign Service
Hometown:West Caldwell, NJ
AIM S/N Amangino</p>
<p>So I have heard mixed reviews about Georgetown. It seems like a wonderful place where I'd want to go, but some of my teachers are upset that they seem to be a bit arrogant in that they think too highly of themselves there? What makes the school truly stand out, beyond it's name? What about the SFS? Would love to meet anyone else with an interest in attending.</p>
<p>for what i'm looking for, there is absolutely no better location for a school...the surrounding neighborhood doesn't feel like a big city, but you have easy access to the heart of dc, which is a really cool city.<br>
as for the kids there, nobody i have met down there seems at all arrogant. my sister is a senior there so i am down there quite a bit, and all of her friends are great. if anything, the students at gtown are one of its greatest strengths. everyone i've met is so down to earth and, well, normal.
it really is a great place, and i can't wait to go there.</p>
<p>School: the College (Faculty of Languages and Linguisitcs)
Hometown: near Oakland/Berkeley, California
Gender: male
AIM: Snipidd</p>
<p>Howevvverrrr.... I got no financial aid so I might not go. :( We're still trying to appeal our package, though. :o (And I'm still waiting on a couple more schools)</p>
<p>calidan...what major did you apply for...I got into the College, too...Faculty of Languages and Linguistics...Comparative Literature...and is your first name Dan, as your user name seems to imply?</p>
<p>School: SFS
Hometown: (near) San Diego! California
Gender: Female
AIM S/N : WildPonyJumper</p>
<p>I'm DEFINITELY going; I sent in my deposit a couple of weeks ago.</p>
<p>Yesss. I need to wean myself from CC, dear God! 6 AP tests coming up and CALCULUS! needs to die a slow miserable death. But feel free to IM me I love to procrastinate :) and talk Georgetown.</p>