Memorizing Campus ID

For current students: Is it important to have my campus ID memorized? Will it be used often, or will I only need it periodically? Thanks!

Do it, it will just make things faster and easier, and it honestly shouldn’t take you that long.

I don’t have mine memorized, but I think most people do. You really only need it to write exams and maybe entering it a few times online. My friends just give me shit sometimes when I pull out my ID before an exam.

With all the stuff you do at SOAR and the first week here on campus it’s almost impossible to not have it memorized. At least that’s what happened for me, haven’t forgotten it since.

Graduated from UW 4 years ago and I can still rattle off my student ID. Memorizing it just makes things a lot easier in undergrad, especially because you have to put it on exams, papers, etc.

Do it. It’s very easy. Break it up into 3 chunks.