MERIT AID/ Admissions

<p>what type of merit aid do you think i could qualify for if admitted, if any</p>

<p>ACT: 31
Sat 1240/1600 or 1900/2400
GPA 3.7uw 4.06w</p>

<p>if you need any more info just ask</p>

<p>but yeah also, do you think ill get accepted?</p>

<p>thanks all! =)</p>

<p>For comparison’s sake, my daughter had a 1230 SAT, and an unweighted average of 93.67 and she had taken all honors or AP courses. She got zero merit from Syracuse… but I had seen some kids with lower stats getting some, I was unable to make heads or tails out of why some got it and others did not.</p>

<p>S was accepted last spring w/94% uw GPA and a 1970 SAT and was offered 18K in merit.</p>

<p>I am seriously jealous!!! Congrats on getting such a nice merit award!</p>