Merit aid? chances?

<p>gpa 4.0206 currently, but if i calculated it myself correctly, it’s a 4.0956 right now really, since they didn’t calculate in the classes we just finished yet
that’s weight 1.0 for AP’s, .25 for (some of) honors</p>

1st time cr 610 m 640 w 790 essay 10
2nd time cr 640 m 720 w 780 essay 10
3rd time cr 690 m 730 w 740 essay 10</p>

math2 690
chem 630
spanish reading 560</p>

calc ab 5
physics mechanics 4
english lang 4
not taken yet - spanish lang, calc bc, stat (received A in spanish, A in stat, and currently still have calc but have a solid A)</p>

<p>national merit commended student
AP scholar
distinguished honor roll…</p>

jazz ensemble 9th grade
art/lit mag. 10th grade
spanish national honors society 11th-12th
church youth group</p>

cashier 18-ish hours/wk. avg. for 11th and 12th grade
tutored child in math 10th grade
babysitter 12th grade</p>

<p>hopefully i should get in. but merit aid?</p>

<p>math/comp sci. major</p>

<p>I don’t really know much about BU and merit aid, but with your SAT scores, I’d be surprised if you weren’t accepted to the school. I’m sure on their site there will be information about merit aid requirements; I’d check there.</p>

<p>Hey, I’m a current BU student and I had very similar credentials to yours…
I’d say you’re looking at receiving either the Dean’s Scholarship ($10,000) or the Founder’s Grant ($5000)</p>