<p>I need some websites that have scholarships that are MERIT BASED ONLY.
Please, can anybody help?
It can be websites, scholarship names, etc.
I really need some guidance here.
Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>look at some of the threads posted at the top of this page.</p>
<p>Buy a subscription to US News and World Report on-line. Each college has a page regarding financial aid. Scroll to the bottom of the page. It will state school’s average merit aid award (or not!) and whether it is academic based or sports-related. </p>
<p>If you find schools you are interested that show merit aid, you can then explore those school’s web sites in further detail or call admissions.</p>
<p>Oh yea, sorry, I forgot to add that I’m attending Northwestern University next year and from what I understand, they have ZERO merit-aid. So I was wondering if there were any other websites, etc, that would provide me with a list of scholarships that do not consider financial need.</p>
<p>I have done hours and hours of research to find non-need based scholarships that my son could qualify for. Some of the tools I used are books from the library (Kaplan has one), my son’s high school guidance department, and websites such as Fastweb, Scholarship points, commonknowledge… there are lot of scholarships and you need to weed through them to see what you can qualify for. Some are just sweepstakes (like US Bank), some have a community service requirement, others require certain majors, or certain interests or certain club memberships such as Sons of the Civil war. It isn’t as easy as just sending you to a website - and you are going to be competing with my son.</p>
<p>But here are some my son isn’t going to apply to. All require essays. Google them and you will probably find them.</p>
<p>Mental Floss
National Peace Essay
Kaplan Newsweek My turn essay
National D Day Museum scholarship
Avar press literary scholarship
Ayn Rand Fountainhead essay scholarship
Signet Classics Student scholarship essay contest</p>
<p>Do students/parents feel that these national “essay” scholarships are worth the time invested?</p>
<p>I’m thinking that most of these are long shots and that son should spend his “limited” time senior focusing on application essays, AP tests, english writing submission, etc.?</p>
<p>I’d be interested to hear if anyone has actually received them?</p>
<p>For those schools that DO offer merit aid, I’ve heard that they may reduce the amount if a student brings outside scholarships into the mix. How do the essay contests et al disburse the money? Is it direct pay to the school? I’m thinking attention to GPA and application essays might be a better way to spend one’s time.</p>
<p>There’s also the Ayn Rand Patriot scholarship essay contest, Patriot is a much much shorter book than the Fountainhead.</p>