Merit scholarships

I believe junior DS will qualify for the Presidential Elite Scholarship (ACT 36, wGPA above 4.0.) He plans to major in engineering. It looks like the Engineering Leadership Scholarship will stack with merit scholarships with the exception of the NMF package. Is this correct? Also, have read threads with pointers for setting up visits through the honors college. Any other tips to maximize our visit so DS is aware of any and all opportunities at UA? Thanks!!!

I believe you have the stacking info correct.
My DS and hubs set up his visit through the honors college. I do know they will ask you who you might want to see (like from what department or whatever) so if there are things your DS is interested in he should brainstorm and specify.

@flatKansas - Thanks!

Congratulations to your son, @mountainmomof3! I think @flatKansas has that exactly right.

I would also suggest trying to book a little extra time to give your son and husband a chance just to hang out on campus and chat with students and staff and to ask them what it is that led them to choose UA. I found that hugely helpful, and it gave me a better sense of the types of students my son would interact with if he chose to go to school there too.

It’s a really lovely, walkable campus. (Bring comfy shoes!) My personal favorite place is the sculpture garden - and I try to walk through it whenever I’m in town:

@LucieTheLakie thanks for the insight!