Miami Class of 2017

<p>Does anyone know how and when they let you know if you are invited to the Singer Scholarship weekend?</p>

<p>Via email. Last year it was on the Friday that EA decisions came out (i.e. yesterday) but it can be anytime in the coming week.</p>

<p>anyone have any insight between Lehigh and UMiami? Going to be a tough choice…</p>

<p>I don’t know that much about Lehigh except that the campus is on a steep hill (UM has a beautiful campus) and that the surrounding area of Lehigh is awful and Miami has well, Miami and nicer areas even closer. Student body… don’t know.</p>

<p>DS waiting to hear from Lehigh too. Even though Lehigh is more highly regarded for engineering, he prefers Miami. I don’t think Lehigh is nearly as generous with scholarships as Miami ( if that matters to you).</p>

<p>I was accepted! But its so expensive. How can I pay for this school?</p>

<p>beccarosen, that’s exactly how I feel. and I don’t qualify for financial aid :(</p>

<p>Just got Miami packet in mail, no mention of SINGER weekend. Got 22K scholarship. Did anyone hear about singer?</p>

<p>I just spoke to someone in admissions about the Scholarship Weekend invites (S/S). She said emails would be going out today for invitations and letters in the mail tomorrow.</p>

<p>so I didn’t receive a decision last friday (feb. 1st) so I decided to call them up, the lady told me they had already made a decision and she didn’t know why it wasn’t being shown on myUM…she said I shoud be expecting a letter in the mail today or sometime this week. </p>

<p>I asked her if she could just tell me if I got in but she said I had to wait for the mail…so I’m wondering if they send letters to rejected/deffered or just accepted?</p>

<p>Yes they do send letters, my D got hers in the mail today.
Good luck.</p>

<p>I got my letter today in the mail. It was a nice surprise since I haven’t check myUM since I submitted my applcation.</p>

3.8 GPA
1860 SAT
610 Chem, 640 Math II SAT Subject Tests
International figure skater, varsity track & field, SGA Vice President, National & French honor society, + service
OOS (Virginia)</p>

<p>Does anyone know how difficult it is to be accepted after being deferred? I have no idea what my chances are, but I’m bummed. Miami is definitely one of my top choices.</p>

<p>Wondering why no one has heard about S/S?</p>

<p>All the invitation and discussion is on the “Singer/Stamps 2013” thread</p>

<p>Two different schools. Lehigh campus is nice with many hills, but there is nothing to do outside the campus and it is also very cold in the winter time. Lehigh is ranked higher if ranking matters to you. I believe Lehigh is a better school and more competitive to get in. Miami is a big city where it is warm all year long and I think it is more of a party school than Lehigh. .</p>

<p>And the mis-information continues to flow…</p>

<p>these are ED/EA results right?? congratulations to everyone who got accepted… best of luck to the others :slight_smile:
i applied RD and i got the following statement on my myum -
Your application has been sent to the admission committee for review. We appreciate your patience during this time and will mail your admission notification according to the application option you chose. For information about admission notification dates, go to [Freshman</a> Applicant Options & Deadlines | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami](<a href=“]Freshman”>Options and Deadlines | Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami).
i guess everyone gets it but my application documents werent received til yesterday. does this mean theyve received it or theyve taken my application into consideration without those documents</p>

<p>Yeah everyone gets it. It is just telling you that your application is complete and they will starting looking at the applications</p>

<p>thanks!!! <3</p>