Miami Class of 2017

<p>Blizzarding outside right now … Miami sounds so good…</p>

<p>Also just got an email from the School of Engineering that they are arranging for my DS to get a tour of the BME dept and shadow a student on the day we are there (this was in response to my call the other day). This is going to be a great alternative to Accepted Students Day (since we will likely be skipping that due to his sport). Sharing this info for anyone who can’t attend Accepted Students Day. It’s going to be a great day - I can’t wait.</p>


Statements like this are so misinforming. The valedictorian of my high school was arguably one of the nerdiest, most innocent kids I’ve ever known. He went to Lehigh and based on just his Tweets alone, you can see how he’s changed - he drinks what seems to be like every day, he’s been in disciplinary trouble for alcohol-related incidents, he goes out every single weekend. This is just an example to show that it really has NOTHING TO DO with where you go to college, just what you do when you get there. The ranking of schools by the level of partying is so pointless.</p>

<p>Got my acceptance letter today :slight_smile: there was no word of scholarships or fin. aid though… I’m a little worried about that. but I doubt I’ll be going to UM, the west coast sound a lot better to me</p>

<p>My two sons got acceptance letter on Friday (MYUM account). We have not received the mail yet. Does the singer/stamp invite get posted in MYUM accout ?</p>

<p>Singer/Stamp invite: they sent an email to you plus a letter via the mail.</p>

<p>@sunset I know that if you get a scholarship, you’ll get it on a fancy paper in your acceptance packet saying the amount.</p>

<p>@Niquii77 thank you! guess I didn’t receive.</p>

<p>About Lehigh and partying… I’ve heard that they party hard at Lehigh. It is a good school but because it is far from everything kids tend to drink and party quite often.</p>

<p>I’m going to write a letter to UM after being deferred. How should I address it? Should I email it or send it as a letter.</p>

<p>Can I get at least some help?</p>

<p>Garbby- I think it’s a point of personal preference. If you have your adcom’s name and email address, I think an email would be appropriate.</p>

<p>So you think I should email the admission counselor in charge of my region of the country even if I haven’t talked to her before?</p>

<p>This may help: [What</a> to Do if You Are Deferred to the Regular Decision Pool -](<a href=“]What”>What to Do if You Are Deferred to the Regular Decision Pool - The New York Times)</p>

<p>Or this: [You</a> Got Deferred. Now What? -](<a href=“]You”>You Got Deferred. Now What? - The New York Times)</p>

<p>Garbby-Yes, unless you know someone else in Admissions. To whom were you going to direct the letter?</p>

<p>I think a letter is better than an email. Emails feel impersonal and mechanical for this purporse imo.</p>

<p>just got accepted. didnt see this thread. its been dead for a while</p>

<p>My S did too. What’s your major?</p>

<p>History major here!! what bout ur S?</p>

<p>Music…but I’m sure you’ll both have an amazing time</p>

<p>Has Frost started to notify students…I was under the impression that admitted music students wouldn’t hear until next week at the earliest?</p>