Miami Class of 2017

<p>@artteacher19 - When my D and I went to the informational meeting on the day of her audition, we were told that she could hear from them as early as March 15 via the myUM portal. They also said that when she does get the notification online, that the letter should follow a few days later. No word from Frost yet, at least not for her.</p>

<p>My son was notified on his portal on Tuesday then got an email yesterday saying he would receive a U of M acceptance package “shortly” and that would contain scholarship info</p>

<p>Thank you both for the info. Good luck to your daughter christinenc1 and congratulations to your son NYsaxmom!</p>

<p>You’re welcome artteacher and good luck to your S too.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone and thank you. This has been a stressful process. Miami is S’s #1 pick but it all depends on $$$. He’s had some financially very attractive offers from other places but LOVES Miami. I hope they are kind so we can end this journey!!!</p>

<p>The waiting is becoming tedious.</p>

<p>I was admitted a couple of days ago (the same time as Delaware) but I doubt I will attend, the school is expensive. Ill most likely attend Cornell (for now)</p>

<p>But good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>nice bracket for Miami. if any1s watching Selection Sunday. i see them in atleast the Elite 8.</p>

<p>So more than a week after receiving my letter I still haven’t gotten anything about financial aid other than the merit scholarship. Does anyone know if they’re still doing FA, or does this mean I got nothing? :frowning: I really want to go but other schools are less expensive, so…</p>

<p>I think Miami has a chance to go all the way to the Championship game, and I know a lot of experts agree with me on that.</p>

<p>@marinebio444. Very exciting! Rooting hard for the Canes – even though it will be 10 more days till my DS makes his final decision - I’m pretty sure I know what it will be :)</p>

<p>I went to college in the Big Ten, but I can see myself becoming an ACC fan pretty quickly!</p>

<p>Being an ACC fan will be pretty easy within the next year or so; next year they’ll be at 14 teams for football, 15 teams for all other sports! Should be a pretty exciting next few years!!</p>

<p>Nah Miami sucks</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t feed trolls…</p>

<p>accepted with 24k/year scholarship, also announced as finalist for full tuition scholarship. anyone know how many people are “finalists”?</p>



<p>that notre dame thing is going to hurt. why cant they just join for all sports? i just hope the ACC doesnt crumble like the big east altho it wouldnt surprise me if it did.</p>

<p>Notre Dame just needs to get over themselves. The only reason they made it to the National Championship in football was because they were independent, and so they could play any scrub teams they wanted. And we all saw how that ended up… I don’t think the ACC is going to crumble. Losing Maryland is going to hurt, but replacing them with 2-3 other teams is going to make up for it.</p>

<p>Especially Syracuse! :wink: ;)</p>




<p>P.S. Miami car sticker came in the mail today… waiting to see when DS puts it on his car… :)</p>

<p>Losing Maryland and replacing them with Louisville in football is a net gain. Maryland is horrible, while Louisville is coming off a BCS win, has arguably the best quarterback in the country, and is generally on the rise.</p>