Miami dade honors College

Hello everyone, I have been accepted to Miami Dade Honors College. My question is, Do I have to take again Calculus 1, if I did it while in High School?
Thank you for your help and time.

There are several questions you need to answer:

  1. What is the math requirement for your degree program at Miami Dade? Is Calculus even required?
  2. Does Miami Dade require a placement test or will you be placed in math based on your high school transcript?
  3. Are you planning to go to get a Bachelor's Degree somewhere? What is your anticipated major for that? Many degrees do not require calculus.
  4. Did you take the AP test? If so, you may get credit, depending on your score and what score Miami Dade accepts (note that some four-year schools have higher AP score requirements for them to give you credit.)