Miami EA Notification

<p>I know that the EA notification deadline is February 1st; however, I was wondering if Miami typically sends their notifications out before this deadline? I am so anxious to hear from them!!!! When have people gotten notified through EA typically?</p>

<p>I got mine five days before February 1st, but my house is just over 100 miles from UM. It’s really kind of random when people get their letters… some people get theirs several days early, some people get them a day or two late (even if they just live down the road from UM).</p>

<p>Most of the people I know that applied ED heard back around 5-6 days before their deadline so hopefully we’ll know by January 26! I think they send you and email to check MyUM for the decision. Good luck!</p>

<p>i am so anxious to find out as well! this wait was torture…all of my other early action schools have notified me already and not UM which is my favorite!</p>