Miami just entered the 1 Billion Endowment club

<p>University of Miami, $1.011-billion as of December 31 (increase of $24.8-million in the last month); the goal was $1-billion by 2007 but has been increased to $1.25-billion by 2007. </p>

<p>Source: Chronicle of Higher Education 2/4/06</p>

<p>Am I right ,was it a very large gift to the medical school?</p>

<p>The largest single donation was $100 million to the med school. Here is a little bit more of the breakdown.</p>

<p>The total of $1,028,578,781 raised to date is from a record 104,364 donors, of which 167 have given $1 million or more. The campaign has generated unprecedented levels of giving from University alumni and trustees, with total contributions from alumni at $314 million, and trustees at $278 million.</p>

<p>Here is how they expect to distribute the funds.
$ 15.0 million School of Architecture
$ 98.0 million College of Arts and Sciences
$ 31.5 million School of Business Administration
$ 19.2 million School of Communication
$ 18.5 million School of Education
$ 23.5 million College of Engineering
$ 16.0 million School of Law
$ 700.0 million School of Medicine
$ 31.0 million School of Music
$ 14.4 million School of Nursing
$ 54.0 million Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
$ 14.5 million Alumni Center
$ 63.0 million Athletics<br>
$ 33.2 million Library
$ 21.0 million Student Affairs<br>
$ 4.5 million Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
$ 14.0 million Ecosystem Science and Policy Center
$ 5.5 million Lowe Art Museum
$ 9.0 million Reserve Officers' Training Corps
$ 15.0 million The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies </p>

<p>$ 1.2 billion Total * </p>

<p>A lot of info about the campaign can be found at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Ok someone explain this to me because I'm confused. UM raised $1 billion. Okay, I get that, but I thought they were going to spend most of it immediately, on contruction and all that. Now you said it's all endowment (as in principal can't be touched), so I'm confused.</p>

<p>How silly, I can't edit my post.</p>

<p>Anyways... if you check here <a href=""&gt;;/a> you'll see that only $151 million is endowment. Add that to the current endowment of $526 million and you get... $677 million. We're not quite there yet :-(</p>

<p>University of Miami is a school on the MOVE. It is going to break the Top 50 within the next 5 years. Some predict that if President Donna Shalala keeps at her current pace it could be ranked as high as the mid 30's down the road.</p>

<p>It is a school that is gaining rapidly and look for this endowment plan to make some headlines in the Southern Florida area</p>

<p>Yeah, I second the mid 30s down the road. Heck, I hope top 25. That's the thing I like most about UM, the fact that in 10-20 years my degree will be greater valued. The way I look at it, the university has only really been serious for about 25 years (from when Foote was president to now). The change it's gone through, and is still undergoing, is simply amazing.</p>

<p>This is exciting to hear that UM is a school on the rise!</p>

<p>wow, $700 million to the med school. Why such a difference compared to the rest of the distributions.</p>

<p>Med schools aways get a lot of donation because of their research. Also, it is very, very expensive to run a medical school compared to other disciplines.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the BFA program is like there ?</p>