Miami of Ohio Early Admissions Fall 2022

My daughter attends Miami University. If your son/daughter applied for Honors, they may get an additional $1-2K in the spring, but otherwise, we did not find that Miami sends any additional merit at a later date.

Thank you. Miami is leading the list in our house, just weighing the options.

Is there any rush to put down a housing deposit? Son is still very undecided but I think Miami is a top contender. Just want to make sure weā€™re not missing anything

Freshmen students at Miami are assigned a room by the University. They can choose a roommate prior, but the actual residence hall building and room is assigned and there is not an opportunity for freshmen to choose. Certain LLCā€™s (Living Learning Communities) have been in the same residence hall for years, but some of those also change locations yearly. I really do not see a benefit to rushing to put down a housing deposit.


Awesome. Thank you. Now I remember that from our tour. These schools are all starting to blend together.

My daughter was accepted for biochemistry. She is concerned about the sorority ā€œvibeā€ there though and the perceived lack of diversity. Iā€™m hoping she gets into the honors college, which might be more her speed. What kind of research is she doing? We went to the science day and took a tour of the biochem building. She was impressed!

My daughter has been doing breast cancer research now for 2 years. I honestly couldnā€™t tell you exactly what theyā€™re doing because when she talks about it she uses all these biochem terms that Iā€™m clueless about lol. Thereā€™s 4 of them in their group and theyā€™ve been working with one of the professors. He was actually one of her professors for a class she had last semester and is her mentor professor for her masters program. Students will generally interview with a professor to do research with them. My girl loves her sorority, but if your daughter isnā€™t into that, thereā€™s so many other opportunities. I think about 30% of students are Greek. There are professional, community service, music, and honors co-ed fraternities, which are totally different than social frats and sororities. My daughter is in a premed fraternity too. Itā€™s definitely a different vibe, but she loves it. I would recommend checking out Miami University Hub. It lists a lot of the different organizations on campus.

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Do you think itā€™s possible to enjoy Miami without going Greek? That has always been a large part of their reputation, but I can see how many other opportunities there are on campus. You get out of it what you put into it Iā€™m sureā€¦

I am an alumni and absolutely yes you can have the best time without being Greek. In fact I had few friends that were Greek, 70% of students arenā€™t! Plenty of other stuff to keep you engaged


A student can definitely enjoy Miami without going Greek. My daughter has many friends who arenā€™t Greek as well. Other than just joining organizations, MAP also organizes so many activities and events for students to participate in. I would suggest if you or your student has Instagram, follow some of Miamiā€™s organization pages. You can get an idea of some of the social events they do on campus.


If your daughter is a minority she should check out the LSAMP group on campus. It is for STEM minority students. Very good group. My daughter is part of it.

Has anyone received any significant merit increases since the original offer? My daughter received a couple of thousand from the department, but then I saw the overall cost went up the same amount when they sent out the financial aid information.

When did cost go up? I hadnā€™t noticed that. My daughter did receive an adjusted financial aid offer a few weeks ago.

I am not sure when cost went up, but I know when my daughter applied it was $52,000/ year and the financial aid letter said the total estimated costs are $54,000.

Tuition, fees, and room and board are usually a couple thousand less than what Miami says the total estimated costs are (they add in more for books, transportation, spending money, etc.). The financial aid offer letter adds extra money in. It is itemized if you look at it. Depending on what info you looked at (you can find charts stating it both ways), that could be the difference in what you thought the cost was. I have a daughter at Miami and another headed there this coming fall.

You may have looked at the price for the 2021-2022 cohort. When you look at your financial aid letter, the direct cost price for tuition and fees, that is the 2022-2023 cohort. That will not change over 4 years with the guarantee. If your student is an FSB major, there are additional fees which may make the price go up after they register for classes (so Iā€™ve heard from friends who have FSB students). As far as the room and board charges, that is also price guaranteed for the 2022-2023 cohort. There may also be additional fees incurred if your student takes lab courses or arts courses that will show up after they register for classes, but those are usually minimal. The dorm charges may end up being lower if your student gets an unrenovated room or a triple/quad, but higher if they request a single. But, that price you can pretty much depend on for the first 2 years that are required to live in the dorms of they get a traditional renovated double. As far as the meal plan, that price is based on the average plan, but can be lower or higher depending on the plan your student chooses. The cost for living off campus their 3rd and 4th year will decrease also depending where they choose to live. The closer to campus (and living Uptown) can be more expensive than the dorms, but also can be significantly lower if they choose not to live as close to campus or in an apartment rather than a house. I have a junior daughter who is at Miami (and a high school senior son who is still deciding) and the tuition and fees hasnā€™t changed. Sheā€™s a STEM major, so thereā€™s always additional lab fees added after she registers for classes. To give you an idea of off campus house prices, next year, sheā€™s living with 5 other sorority sisters in a house passed down to them choose to campus and sheā€™ll be paying $3750/semester, but she has friends that pay over $5000/semester to live in Uptown. On your financial aid letter, it also includes indirect costs, which are estimates for transportation, books, etcā€¦ that is not charged by Miami, but is the ā€œcost of attendanceā€ and is the price that loan lenders will allow you to borrow. Hopefully this info helps.


Any observations on sr son trying to decide Miami versus our flagship state school in nearby state? Cost differential is not an issue. He is admitted to the honors college at both schools and major is undecided. Obvious difference is size as state flagship is much larger. Greek scene appears to be big at both schools. Distance isnā€™t an issue. Heā€™s struggling with decision.

Same decision for my daughter. Slight cost difference, but she chose Miami for the culture- focus on undergrads and flexibility of major/minor, and faculty involvement.

Have you been to a Make it Miami admitted student open house? That seems to ā€œseal the dealā€ for many students. If you have gone to MiM, and are still undecided, then maybe that is a sign. For my kid, like many others, her MiM experience moved Miami to her top choice.

If your son is BIG into the sports scene, Miami may not be the place. They donā€™t fill the stadium, but have a great football team. My daughter is a Shakerette and they have a blast at the games. Oxford is a small town, so keep that in mind. Greek life is big, about 30% go Greek. My girl is in a sorority and a professional fraternity. There is something for everyone. My girl absolutely loves Miami. I drove down and spent the day with her yesterday for Easter. My senior son is still deciding too (Miami is one of his choices)ā€¦ugh. Next year is my daughterā€™s 4th and last year and will graduate with both her Bachelor and Master degrees, a co-major, and a minor. Sheā€™s involved in a lot of things and holds exec positions in several. I love it at Miami and Iā€™m secretly hoping my son chooses it. In the end, the options are open for your student to take advantage of wherever they go.