Miami or U of Florida? Plus chance

<p>I'm interested in both but I'm curious as to which one is better academically as well as which one people generally prefer? (include reasons)</p>

<p>Chance me:
SAT 1770
Cr 560
M 590
W 620
ACT 25
Avg. 95-96
National honor society
Peer leader
Varsity club
Alternative energy club
Senior class president
Indoor soccer
Couple other</p>

<p>Extra curricular activities are solid. What’s your GPA? As for your SAT/ACT scores, they could be improved. You might be able to get into both universities, but increase ACT by a few points and SAT by maybe another 100 for best shot. </p>

<p>As for which university is better, it solely depends on you.
Financial considerations usually refer to students enrolling at UF which is not bad a all. However, if financial issues are even then UM might be a good look. It’s smaller which is nice, and has a big city to go with it. Both schools have great programs (from med to business.) Try visiting both campuses to see which you like most (that’s usually the deal breaker.) Honestly, it only comes down to what is best for you. If you want a smaller more intimate/big city school style and money isn’t an issue, then go UM. However, if you want the traditional college experience, a good education for a fraction of the cost, then go UF. </p>

<p>UF will have large classes, but that number decreases as you go into your major (for all the UF homers who will come and bash.)</p>

<p>Just go check out each campus, improve your resume, and work from there. The best school is the one that satisfies everything you want in your undergraduate career.</p>


True words right here. UF and U Miami were both in my top three. I visited UF first and loved it, thinking it would be my #1 choice and would choose it over anything. Then I visited U Miami on Thursday and it became my #1 choice. I love it… I think it’s the perfect blend of a college experience, mid-size student enrollment, active student body, nice new buildings (although I also loved UF’s traditional brick buildings and such) with a nice tropical theme. The quality of education at both schools is great and both have very nice campuses. It basically comes down to which one “feels” right as well as what exactly you’re looking for… a HUGE active student body or a nice mid-sized active student body.</p>