Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

“but the academics at UCONN are much stronger.” That’s a broad statement from someone who has no experience with Miami.

It could be argued the 63 and 103 are similar rankings in a group of 3,000+ schools. It could be argued that the undergraduate teaching ranking for an undergraduate student is a better indicator of academic strength. It could be argued that quality of life is better at Miami. Or, more kindly, it could be said that both schools have strengths and one may be a better fit for a particular students.


D22 is a Prospective 2026 applicant. Question, does Miami require you to fill out the FAFSA before determining their merit based on the GPA scales?


I think need-base (FAFSA) is considered after merit-base offered.

However, unfortunately, almost no public college commits to meet 100% demonstrated need.

Don’t think so, we filled out FAFSAs shortly after D2 applied to schools. Just do it early enough that it is place before they are making their merit decisions. It would be recommended to do it sooner than later. For private schools, College Board CSS will be required as well.

Most colleges say filing FAFSA as early as possible, which sounds like to race to get a slice of a cake (Federal funding, pell grant). However, most applicants (middle class, for example) wont get any federal funding anyway. So my understanding is, for most applicants, FAFSA will merely provide colleges an EFC as reference when being considered for financial aid. As long as it is filed by deadline, early or not won’t make difference.

He didn’t get in to honors either, but my son is committed - I think the dorms was one of the draws, but overall Miami is the total package. We’re happy with the choice. I know he wanted the honors though, he was bummed.


That’s my guess too - he found out by email. I saw later the original letter/communication on the admissions page (already had a nice pdf saved off forever luckily) had been updated. I don’t think that’s a nice way for a kid to find out either - process needs improvement.

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Exactly - I looked back and with good grades, scores etc I think we would have gotten less in the last few years and then been hoping to get to the level we got. S21 got the 21k to basically get rid of the OOS premium. We are ecstatic for him, and we love the campus. It’s a match.


Hey, I’m an international student. Haven’t received any email yet. Is that a bad news?

My D got her acceptance letter into the Honors Program and the letter also lists the Redhawk Scholarship. Where do I find the complete financial aid package? I know she should be receiving loans and grants but I can’t find this information anywhere.

I think my son’s letter said it would come out later in March. I assume we just haven’t gotten it yet.

@OSU95 - in your student’s application portal, if you scroll toward the bottom, under all the admitted student events they can sign up for, there is a button called Your Financial Aid you can click that has a financial aid award letter.

I don’t see it. Do you see it on your page?
I see Test Scores, GPA, Contact Info, Helpful Hints but no Financial Aid.

I logged into his portal and Your Financial Aid is the first red button, just above the Test Scores, GPA, etc buttons. Maybe they are releasing them in waves. His was released about a month ago, but he was also in the first round of acceptances, on December 16. So perhaps yours will be later?

Yes, that makes sense! Thank you for letting me know. I guess we just need to wait a bit longer!

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Hard to wait on the financial aid piece! Hopefully yours is released soon!

no, we never submitted a FAFSA, and my son was awarded merit.

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How long did you have wait for it to show up after your child was accepted?

Does anyone know how long we need to wait for the financial aid package after receiving the RD acceptance letter? I know the EA and ED students already received their complete packages.

It was about two months, but I imagine for students accepted more recently, it would be faster than that as you only have about six weeks left to make a decision. If you want, you can contact the OneStop office at Miami and ask if they can expedite or at least give you a basic picture.