Miami University Ohio FSB LLC- Which dorm is it?

My daughter has just accepted at Miami and is very excited about next fall. She will be in Farmer School of Business. Does anyone know which dorm the FSB Passport LLC is for incoming freshmen? Thank you!

Don’t have the answer, but curious what you find out. My son is attending but not in FSB. He’s been searching Reddit and other places to try to find a list of which LLCs are in which dorm as that may sway his choice. Han’t found an answer yet. Hoping once I get accepted into the parents FB page there might be info there.

Go Redhawks!

I think it might change every year. My daughter is a freshman there in FSB and loves it. She is in the Sports LLC which is in Havighurst this year. Close walk to Farmers. I’m not sure which dorm the FSB LLC is in this year, but you definitely don’t need to do that LLC. The facebook group has a ton of info.

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I think you are right - I vaguely remember being told that it changes every year when we were on a tour this fall!