Miami vs.UCLA vs. UCSB

<p>Accepted to Miami with total of 28K/year in Scholarship money-President's and Gables also Honors Program and Foote Fellowship. Also accepted at UCLA and UCSB as out of state student. I live in Massachusetts.I love California ,and I know UCLA has a great reputation,but I'm having a hard time justifying paying out of state tuition there. Also compared to the "family" atmosphere at Miami, UCLA seems huge and impersonal. I'm pretty sure I prefer Miami. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>foote fellowship freedom is something that really shouldn’t be overlooked.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
at UCLA, you’d have a maximum of 48 credit hours required, potentially in fields you don’t have any interest in. that’s pretty much one and a half semesters, or over a third of the average years of college. Instead, you could be at Miami, taking the classes that genuinely interest you</p>

<p>The UC system is quite rigid and inflexible. I have read many accounts of students not being able to graduate in four years, because they couldn’t take the courses they needed or wanted at the right time.</p>