Hey guys, I’m only a sophomore in high school, but I’m curious as to whether or not I’m on the right track to getting into UM.
I live in NJ
attend a high school ranked in the top 5 by USNEWS. It is a VERY competitive school with an under 15% acceptance rate.
I have all A’s and B’s, with my gpa being around a 3.7 UW and an avg grade of a 90-91.5
My dad AND grandma went to UM (double legacy?)
play varsity soccer as a sophomore as well as club soccer
Have a summer job
volunteer during the summer
What do you think my chances are so far? what do I need to do in my junior and senior years to enusure I get it?
What major are you wanting to go into?
idk yet, but either something to do with environmental science or statistics
No score, no chance. Do you have at least some practice score? I am not a fortune teller. 
I agree with the previous poster, without scores there’s just really no way to tell.
But I can give you some advice. It’s obvious, but always work to increase your GPA. It’s not bad right now, but keep in mind Michigans average is at least a 3.8.
You’re a sophomore, so you still have some time. Study your heart out for whichever test you take (ACT or SAT) as it is critical in the decision process! Retake a few times if you have to!
Finally, take as many challenging classes as you can that you will succeed in! The next two years are going to be important, but especially junior year since that is the last full year of grades colleges will see before deciding if they want you or not. AP classes might be difficult, but take them! Focus and study hard and you will be okay! Just remind yourself that you have to power through those tough classes for less than 300 days and then you get a break (summer).
Thinking about it like that doesn’t sound all that bad.
That’s my advice, take it or leave it! Study hard, and good luck!