<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I'm a '12 freshman at Berkeley and was wondering if anyone had any personal information on the microbial biology major? I'm currently in L&S intended MCB, but want to explore my options, especially CNR vs. L&S. Any advice or comments?</p>
<p>MCB is highly competitive and huge. MB, and CNR in general, is a lot less competitive and smaller and more personal.</p>
<p>MB will get you and BS as opposed to a BA. CNR will let your AP out of GEs but you will have more UD courses for your major.</p>
<p>Wow...easy on the acronyms there, plz :)</p>
<p>L&S - College of Letters and Sciences
CNR - College of Natural Resources</p>
<p>MCB - Molecular and Cellular Biology, one of the major in L&S
MB - Microbial Biology, one of the majors in CNR</p>
<p>BS - Bachelor of Science degree
BA - Bachelor of Arts degree</p>
<p>UD - upper division (undergrad courses starting with 100)
AP - Advanced Placement tests
GE - General educational requirements for a degree from L&S or CNR</p>
<p>Thanks rider.</p>
<p>One point I don't understand. Don't you get accepted to either L&S, or CNR? So berkeheartely are you considering a tranfer or something?</p>
<p>@stalker: Yes, I’m considering transferring from L&S to CNR. </p>
<p>@anon5524485: Thanks. But aren’t the lower div requirements practically the same for MCB and MB? So do you mean MB is “a lot less competitive” in upper div classes?</p>
<p>He means that the grade distributions for MB are more in favor to the students, i.e. higher average GPA, for MB classes than in MCB classes.</p>
<p>@Golden Bear: But isn't it such that a grand majority of MB courses are upper div? So saying that grade distributions are more student-friendly for MB courses than MCB courses just means that there is a difference during the last two years of UG work? Otherwise, it shouldn't be too different, right?</p>
<p>Another general question: What's your take on a degree from both CNR and L&S. I'm considering a B.A in Persian Language (from NES in L&S) and a potential B.S in MB from CNR? Has anyone done this? Is it feasible?</p>
<p>I'm also a freshman and am a microbial biology major in cnr. If i want to do premed, what would be the better major (MB or MCB)?</p>
<p>the one where you can get the better gpa, which would probably be MB due to less competition in the upper div classes</p>
<p>medical schools don't really care about your major... they care more about activities, gpa, etc. As long as you fulfill pre-reqs you can do any major... even something like English or Economics</p>