<p>Hmm I don't think this matter. It's just interesting to point out but my MyMit account says that my Mid-Year grade report has gotten processed but it isn't midyear....</p>
<p>lolll now that’s interesting…are u going to call? or let this problem fix itself?</p>
<p>whoa…that’s weird</p>
<p>Weirdo Weird</p>
<p>LOL. your grades were secretly predetermined by all of your teachers.</p>
<p>^^^ That was quite quite awesomely funny.</p>
<p>Did they count your quarter grades as the mid-year grade report? Weird. The checklist for awhile didn’t have my transcript completed until the final “upload” even though everything was sent in together by my school. If you end up getting in (yay, hope the best for all of us! ), then I would just resend a “real” one.</p>
<p>Didn’t you know?</p>
<p>The Admission Department had decided to utilize the skills of current Course 18 students to project applicants’ midyear scores.</p>
<p>According to Course 14 estimates, this move will reduce admission staff filing hours by 22.4232% as well as your teachers’ workloads by 14.7410%, as well as save $49,324.19 incurred through postage, printing forms, and hiring office filers each year.</p>