<p>Hey friends!! Yeah, so we all have to send our mid-year grades despite our ED acceptance.. let's use this thread to share our mid-year grades b/c I'm so worried about mine and just want to hear about how others feel. </p>
<p>So my mid-year grades are:</p>
<p>Physics Regular: A+
AP Microecon: A
IBH2 French: A-
AP Literature: A-
IBS History: B+
AP Calculus: B+</p>
<p>I have two B's!!! :( :( Would this have an effect on my acceptance?? </p>
<p>The previous first quarter grades I sent were all A and A-s, I'm scared they might revoke my acceptance b/c my grades dropped to B+ in TWO classes!!!! :( :(</p>
<p>Haha, are you kidding? You have nothing to worry about.
My Midyear report said I had a D in 3 subjects due to an error, but I didn’t bother correcting it. In the end, I had 2 Bs.</p>
<p>I slacked off to no end and I had more absences in school than I was allowed. But Penn doesn’t care much.</p>
<p>AP Bio - Q1: A-; Q2: B (LOL, I’m officially the student most hated by the teacher)
AP Stat - Q1: A; Q2: B+
AP Lit - Q1: A-; Q2: B+
AP Econ - Q1: B+; Q2: A- (it will probably end lower)
AP Comp Sci AB - Q1: A; Q2: (No grades so far)
AP Art History - Q1: A; Q2: B</p>
<p>Haha… I have a B- in AP Econ because I was absent during a few big assignments… but I think it’s funny that my teacher probably thinks I’m economically inept and here I am headed to Wharton. Maybe I should tell him? … or maybe I should just make up my assignments and fix my grade… haha.</p>
<p>Wharton does not = econ…you’re in for a big surprise if that’s what you’re expecting lol. Don’t say anything to your teacher b/c he’ll probably get angry at you for not realizing this LOL.</p>
<p>I hope people with B’s get their acceptances rescinded so these stupid threads (seriously, I’ve seen 20+ threads when people are scared of B’s) go away. That’ll stop people from getting B’s =>!</p>
<p>For the Mid-Year Report, do we just send the Common App midyear report sheet (which, for some reason, is identical to the Counselor Rec form…Why is this?) Or do they also need a transcript with our grades thus far?</p>
<p>I was just going to send in my transcript with my 1st semester(mid-year) grades. I don’t even recall seeing the Common Ap Mid-Year form??? Don’t you think a transcript will be sufficient?</p>