<p>**** temple asked for my midyear grades, which suck, is it gonna be THAT Much of an impact? my gppa jr year was a 3.4, overall a 3.0.. my midyear gpa is a 2.8</p>
<p>Some colleges such as Wash U pretty much require mid-year reports from all applicants, and other colleges only care about them for borderline cases. If it were March, you might try not sending them and see how that works, but since it is January, you probably can't get away with that. If you are really concerned, you might ask that your high school include your explanatory note along with the transcript. Take full responsibilty for everything.</p>
<p>did they ask you AFTER you sent in your app or was it on your app? </p>
<p>Im kinda scared for me too, cause I got accepted already and am slipping a little. I went from a 3.7 overall to a 3.4 this year (3.4 is this years GPA, not overall). My overall now is probably a 3.5-6</p>
Im kinda scared for me too, cause I got accepted already and am slipping a little. I went from a 3.7 overall to a 3.4 this year (3.4 is this years GPA, not overall).
<p>That isn't a major drop. For the elite colleges, you don't want to get a C in senior year. If you've had straight A's, and you suddenly get B's, that isn't a major problem. At any rate, they probably won't jump on you at mid-year, but wait to see the final transcript. </p>
<p>If a person thinks that they might have a problem with having an acceptance withdrawn, talk to them before they come to you. If you are in really bad shape, you can suggest one of two options. 1) Start freshman year on academic probation. 2) Start freshman year in the Spring instead of the Fall. Colleges typically have some slots open up after first semester, and they might figure what have we got to lose. </p>
<p>It is too early to worry about have acceptances being withdrawn. Just do better for the rest of the year.</p>