Mid Year Report for those Accepted

<p>If we were accepted ED when do we have to submit the mid-year report, or do we even have to? I think we do, but I can't find when it is due. Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>we have to submit it. i dont think there is a specific duedate, just when ur first semester or half or whatever marks are available.</p>

<p>and what kind of grades can u get in order to not get your acceptance rescinded?</p>

<p>Would straight B's in all AP courses be fine?</p>

<p>Well, as far as I know there is no set gpa, but according to all the peeps at mah school that i've talked to, if you say above a 3.0 (b's across the board), you'll do fine.</p>

<p>Had a friend last year who went down to 2.5, got put on acedemic probation when he entered stanford for his first semester.</p>