Mid-year transcripts?

I applied rd at tech and was wondering if they required you to send mid-year transcripts? If not, would it benefit me to send them anyway since my gpa has gone up from this past semester, or would they not look at it?

I emailed Virginia Tech about this earlier, they no longer take mid year transcripts

@sharonn2 Hi, I actually submitted my mid-year transcript to VT, do they even receive it, or do they just discard?

They don’t take it into account

@sharonn2 that’s not true. If your mid-year grades make it to your file before they review you, they will consider them. Having said that, they are reviewing apps now, so there is no guarantee that your mid term grades will be matched up in time to make a difference.

No you’re wrong, I called them about it. They no longer take mid year into account. Thanks though!

@sharonn2 My friend talked to them last week. They didn’t say that to her. I guess we will see.

I hope this is incorrect. They should at least take mid year transcripts into account for ED students who were deferred. They specifically say in the deferral letter that they want to compare the applicant with the rest of the applicant pool, including any updated information (grades/tests). Also, some school systems only just ended their semesters and the admissions office should be aware that there will be a delay in receiving transcripts for those applicants. As someone else said on another thread, Fairfax isn’t sending until 2/16.

I just double checked the admissions on the website. I couldn’t find any mention of midyear transcripts anywhere. Hoping they aren’t necessary unless specifically requested.

Since we weren’t sure, we went ahead and sent them anyway and the application portal reflects that they’ve been received. That’s probably all an automated process. So, who knows if they’re actually going to look at them.