This was news to me when I read about it this morning, but I’m guessing lots of people in the CC community know of similar programs and maybe even have personal experience with them.
Basically, it’s a public high school that exists to feed its students into the local community college. In 11th and 12th grades, they take all their courses at the community college, and get their high school and AA degrees simultaneously. The school prepares them for that experience in 9th and 10th grades (and they pick up some college credits then, too), and it provides additional support and some traditional high school elements (prom, sports teams) in the upper grades.
I am not certain what I think about the idea. At first blush, it seems like a great way to address the uselessness of conventional high school currently and the high cost of college to low-income students. But it may be little more than a clever way to tap into another funding stream and less costly infrastructure requirements, and not really sustainable other than on a very small scale. (Note something that would be obvious to most local readers, and that the article assumes “everyone” knows: This is not a school for kids whose ambition is to go to Harvard, or Penn, or anywhere like that. Those kids are at Masterman and SLAC – and a few other public schools – which are mentioned in the article as far more selective in their admissions.)