Middle-eastern admission to Ivy League

<p>Middle-eastern admission to Ivy League </p>


<p>Hello all </p>

<p>Anybody has single idea about requiremtns for middle-eastern applicants to any ivy league university .</p>

<p>I attend a public school in Bahrain, nascent english curriculum , but i managed to attain 630 on TOEFL … 1450 SAT I and almost 3 800s on physics , chemistry math level IIC SAT II … and I have never took those subjects in english or ever went to an institute to learn it</p>

<p>Will they consider the above situation ?
how about the ECs … we cannot do much acitivites in this small country , probably there is nothing to do so , I have the following</p>

<p>Organized the Dental week
3 awards … for winning the annual writing , reading and speech contest
more then 500 hours volunteer
1 medal for winning the vollyball game
3 work experiences ( receptionist , dental assistant , secertary )
1 recycling project
1 biology project</p>

<p>school GPA 98.4 % ( unwieghted )</p>

<p>what are my chances for getting in … and to get a full-ride ( financial aid)</p>

<p>please help me ?</p>

<p>full ride..depends on ur income/need status ...</p>

<p>1450 SAT I and 3 800s??
for an international??
that's pretty good</p>

<p>Well, my future roommate is from Bahrain, so there are acceptances coming from there...</p>

1450 SAT I and 3 800s??
for an international??
that's pretty good


<p>i agree...you might want to consider taking a non math/science SAT II subject test to show your strengths in the humanities, etc. good luck! :)</p>

<p>chanman u got accepted to princeton ? </p>

<p>can u please post ur stats ? and any info about ur bahraini roommate ? how did u got in ?</p>

<p>oh sorry forgot am in this pens. thread ! </p>

<p>anyways post ur stats please :)</p>

<p>Oh people u made a fight here .</p>

<p>See my third post .. I said am sorry forgot that am in the penns. thread</p>

<p>Your stats again plz chanman !</p>


<p>6/326 somethin
3.8 Unweighted
4.4 Weighted
32 ACT.
going for 34 ACT
750 math ii/730 us history/700 bio. i know i'll get 800 in math ii tho, if i study for it</p>


<p>1st generation asian</p>

<p>**school stuff
Academic Team
• Some events include: 1st at U. of MO Columbia Tournament, 3rd at Washington University Tournament, 1st at districts
• Numerous top individual medals
• Captain (12th)
Speech and Debate Team (9th, 11th, 12th)
Eureka Website Design Team, “Webcats” (9th, 10th,12th)
• Lead designer and manager
• Taught students the basics of web site design
• <a href="http://www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/eurekahs%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/eurekahs&lt;/a>
Chess Club (9th, 11th, 12th)
• Play chess after school once a week
• Founder
Varsity Swim Team
Cross Country Team
Reaching out to others through service, ROOTS (10th-12th)
Talented and Gifted Group (9th-12th)
• Mediate and Counsel with other students/talk about family problems, stress, etc.
French Honors Society (10th-12th)
Annual School Book club-Read and discuss books
Consistent winner for “Math Money Contest”
• A monthly math competition held at school/3 winners each month
• won about $125 total</p>

• played for 12 years (1st-12th)
• Pianist for symphonic orchestra (9th-12th)
• All State Auditions rating 1s
• Other events such as NFSM Piano Guild, State (8th), Nationals (9th)/MMTA State finalists
• Played for 8 years (4th-12th)
• Symphonic Orchestra 2nd violin section leader (9th), co concertmaster (11th), concertmaster (12th)
• Symphonic orchestra assistant high school conductor (12th)
• All State auditions rating 1s
• Excellence in Orchestra Scholarship Award, $250 (9th)
Private Accompanist for music auditions
Private Instructor-Prepare (and accompany) Middle School students for auditions and competitions
2 John M. Kastner Board of Education Music Awards (9th, 11th)
4 Superintendent’s Certificate Awards
Individually selected to play at Rockwood Board Meeting, Gold Standard Program and Rose Award Program
Taught elementary/middle school students at a clinic before the Rockwood MIOS concert
Volunteer at Rockwood Summer Music Camp
3 Orchestra “Letter” Awards</p>

<p>**Eagle Investments, LLC
• Helped dad start/run a company
• Real estate investment family business
• In charge of communicating with tenants, writing letters, translating documents, ordering rehabilitation materials, and finding property online
• Rehabilitated 11 apartments/currently have 9 units in rent.</p>

<p>**St. Louis Chinese Language School
Student (1-12th)
Chinese Lion Dance Team
• Manager and Captain
• Organize events, fundraise for school
• Taught 20+ students the techniques and culture of Chinese lion dances
• Perform at special occasions, such as Chinese New Year, Cultural festivals, grand openings of restaurants, etc.
• Appeared on many interviews, articles, TV interviews
• Currently the #1 team ranked in St. Louis. Forgot which newspaper did that.
Tai Kwan Do Student (3rd-10th)
Tai Kwan Do Assistant Instructor (8th-10th)
• Instructed 20-30 students basic martial arts
• Assistant Sparring instructor (10th)
Currently studying Wing Chun style (11th)
Dr. Santa Lin Community Service Award
• Selected from 2 students each year
• $100
2 Time winner Best Student Award (Formerly Full-Year Scholarship Award)
• Selected from different levels of testing/four winners per year
• $190
Top of Class Awards-Rewarded for best performance in Chinese classes</p>

<p>**Summer Activities
Worked at Little Saigon Chinese restaurant, summer job (10th)
Independent Study Course Skip-Chemistry (9th)
Independent Study Course Skip-French III (10th)
Attended US Naval Academy Summer Seminar (11th)
Traveled to home in Hong Kong (9th)
• Tutored relatives in English and Science, about 20 hours total
Student Conservation Association
• 1 month long of community service at Connecticut Upper River Basin</p>

Computers and Technology
• Taught self web design, PHP, HTML, and JavaScript
• Created a home web server and website, which is now mainly run by friends
• <a href="http://www.chantown.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.chantown.com&lt;/a> online from 8am-11pm central time only
• Created a free express email program
• <a href="http://www.mail.chantown.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.mail.chantown.com&lt;/a> (online 24/7)
Digital Photography
• photography gallery at <a href="http://www.chantown.com/cpg132%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.chantown.com/cpg132&lt;/a>
• St. Louis Symphony Express the Music Poetry Contest-Top 10 Finalist (10th)
• National High School Poetry Contest-Regional Winner(11th)
• The Foundation “Creative Expressions” Volunteer-Compose and submit an open-topic prose or artwork each month for publishing (11th-12th)

Multilingual-Cantonese (spoken language at home), Mandarin, English, and French
Independent Study AP Environmental Science (11th)
Independent Study AP Economics (12th)
Independent Study AP Calculus BC (12th)
Volunteer at St. Luke’s Hospital (About 130 hours)
Senior Technology Education Program (11th-12th)
• Nonprofit organization
• Founder and President
• One on one computer teaching for senior citizens
• Encouraged more than 30 students to become teachers
Foreign Travel
• Traveled to and experienced the rich cultures of Canada, China, Tailand, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and Hong Kong
Virtual Stock Exchange Player (view portfolio: Chantown)
• 480% profit increase in the last 4 years
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
• Resource Detective for Franklin, MO
Extra Hands Network-Fundraised $1500, attend events and stuff
Participant in annual Camp Fire Incredible Kid Day (9-12)
• Write letters to kids on March 17th
Elder Wisdom Circle Member (10th-12th)
• Organization that elders a chance to express themselves.
• Frequently talk and chat with elders, give/receive advice regarding school, family, health, etc. using an email system.
MO Botanical Gardens Chinese Culture Day-Acted/Performed Martial arts in a play called “Monkey King”
2003 Gateway Young Achievers Award
Gold Honor Roll, President’s Education Award, National Honor Roll,etc.</p>

<p>and No i did NOT get accepted into princeton.
i'm a junior.</p>