Middle eastern chances for financial aid

<p>Middle-eastern admission to Ivy League </p>


<p>Hello all </p>

<p>Anybody has single idea about requiremtns for middle-eastern applicants to any ivy league university .</p>

<p>I attend a public school in Bahrain, nascent english curriculum , but i managed to attain 630 on TOEFL .. 1450 SAT I and almost 3 800s on physics , chemistry math level IIC SAT II .. and I have never took those subjects in english or ever went to an institute to learn it</p>

<p>Will they consider the above situation ?
how about the ECs .. we cannot do much acitivites in this small country , probably there is nothing to do so , I have the following</p>

<p>Organized the Dental week
3 awards .. for winning the annual writing , reading and speech contest
more then 500 hours volunteer
1 medal for winning the vollyball game
3 work experiences
1 recycling project
1 biology project
1 envirmental research</p>

<p>school GPA 98.4 % ( unwieghted )</p>

<p>what are my chances for getting in any good university .. and to get a full-ridefinancial aid</p>

<p>please help me ?</p>

<p>1450 on the old SAT or the new one? There's a huge difference... And it depends on what you mean by 'good'. If you want an ivy league school, I'm inclined to say you've got a chance but you're not a guaranteed winner there. My suggestion would be to go to something just below ivy level, perhaps Michigan or UNC. Those are all good colleges. Michigan and UNC have fairly large (got to realize this is America and few colleges are likely to have more than around 10% international students) numbers of international students. You could also consider Northwestern, which is a very good college in the midwest. I'm not very well acquainted with west coast schools... Since you're from the mideast, Michigan would be a good fit for you since the Ann Arbor and Detroit area has a very large amount of Saudi, Jordanian, Kuwaiti, and Iraqi (as well as other mideast nations) immigrants. But don't get discouraged by what I say, it seems most people here find anything less than ivy league to be failure... To me, I wouldn't want to go to an ivy even if I had the grades to get into one.</p>

<p>Well ... thanks alot adanBrac .. but its not a matter of good school or not , I am looking for a full ride and as I heared Princeton and harvard are the most generous , thats what made me stick to the Ivies..</p>

<p>I iwll start applying this October .. please tell me from which schools to start , those that will only give full ride financial aid ..</p>

<p>i will put princeton on the top .. + 6 or 7 more</p>

<p>any comments ??</p>

<p>I can tell you this... Not many schools will give you a full ride... But you may be able to get some money from the govt, I'm not sure about that... Have you checked with the US Department of Education? They give money to Canadians and people from the UK and Europe so they might also be able to give you financial aid to pay for whatever the university doesn't pay for. </p>

<p>Apparently though at least one college will give you a full ride... They offered ME a full tuition scholarship, which makes no sense since my grades SUCK... <a href="http://www.newberry.edu%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.newberry.edu&lt;/a> Though I don't think you'd want that cause even <em>I</em> don't want it lol.</p>

<p>I dont want to go to college .. I want a university </p>

<p>can you tell me from where shall I start my research ??</p>

<p>search ** ...</p>

<p>My mistake, in America a college/university is basically the same thing only one doesn't offer graduate degrees and the other does... But I was joking about that newberry thing lol. I've been doing research and I have a few places to point you towards. Look at Tulane, Duke, and American. You could definitely get into all three of those and Tulane and Duke have excellent financial aid programs, I think American does also.</p>

<p>Money for internationals is hard to come by, the competition is fierce. Internationals need to be far above school's averages to be admitted at most schools. With a 1450, that makes Princeton a long shot for you. </p>

<p>Given your strength is math and science, you might look at MIT and Cal tech, which I believe and need-blind for internationals. Apply to Princeton and another ivy or so but then apply more widely to need-blind schools where you would be in the top 20% of their stats. The internationals board kids can tell you which those are.</p>