Middle eastern chances for financial aid

<p>Middle eastern chances for financial aid </p>

<p>Hello all </p>

<p>Anybody has single idea about requiremtns for middle-eastern applicants to any ivy league university .</p>

<p>I attend a public school in Bahrain, nascent english curriculum , but i managed to attain 630 on TOEFL .. 1450 SAT I and almost 3 800s on physics , chemistry math level IIC SAT II .. and I have never took those subjects in english or ever went to an institute to learn it</p>

<p>Will they consider the above situation ?
how about the ECs .. we cannot do much acitivites in this small country , probably there is nothing to do so , I have the following</p>

<p>Organized the Dental week
3 awards .. for winning the annual writing , reading and speech contest
more then 500 hours volunteer
1 medal for winning the vollyball game
3 work experiences
1 recycling project
1 biology project
1 envirmental research</p>

<p>school GPA 98.4 % ( unwieghted )</p>

<p>what are my chances for getting in any good university .. and to get a full-ridefinancial aid</p>

<p>please help me ?</p>