Middle school grades (Algebra1, Geo, Spanish1) for Cal Poly application

Please help.

My HS senior is putting academic record in Cal Poly application. S took 2 Spanish classes and 2 math classes (Algebra1 and geometry) in the 7th and 8th grades. However those grades are not listed in HS transcript (S purposely chose not to include the grades in HS transcript to keep gpa higher). Cal Poly application says to add HS level courses taken during middle school years in the application.

Can S still put those middle school grades in Cal Poly application although the grades are not in HS transcript?

Thank you


Yes, your son should add both. See page 23 on this pdf.


Yes and you can enter them even if the middle school uses a different grading system, eg trimesters instead of semesters. Note that the grades themselves don’t actually count for admissions (WGPA) purposes, it’s only relevant that you passed the courses to get the bonus points in the admissions formula (whatever that is nowadays).

Note that CPSLO’s admission formula includes bonus points for semesters of math and foreign language beyond the CSU minimum requirements. High school level courses taken before high school do count, but CPSLO’s admission formula does not assume that the lower level courses were taken if the higher level ones are on the record (unlike CSU generally for a-g requirement fulfillment where algebra 2 on the record validates algebra 1, and Spanish 3 validates Spanish 1 and 2). Therefore, in order to get all possible CPSLO bonus points, all high school level math and foreign language courses taken before high school should be reported on the CSU application.

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Here is a tutorial on completing the Cal Poly SLO application. The 1:45 min mark discusses junior high grades.

ETA: More admissions videos can be found on the Cal Poly SLO Admissions You Tube channel.

Thank you all!

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Aside from reporting the middle school courses and grades for HS level math and foreign language…I am still unclear as to whether SLO includes those middle school grades in its GPA A-G calc. Anyone have a definitive answer ? I’ve actually received conflicting info from admissions personnel…

Neither the UCs nor SLO use those grades in their GPA calculation. SLO uses 9-11 and UCs use 10-11. The junior high courses are used to evaluate rigor and total number of semesters per subject.

We look at the college-prep coursework you have taken during high school, including the courses you have in progress or planned during 12th grade. Our selection process is based on your self-reported information. Please do not send us official transcripts unless we request them.

For the purposes of your application, we’ll consider your 9th-11th grade weighted GPA. That number is calculated from college-prep coursework as designated on your application. Weight is granted for courses designated as “honors,” “college-level,” “advanced placement” or “international baccalaureate” for up to eight semesters.

thank you!

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